Talk Like A Pirate Day

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by OmKranti, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Is now only one week away.

    See the official website Here
  2. Catriona New Member

    A top-ten pirate chat-up line:

    "Come on up and see me urchins"

    I love pirates
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yarrrr !!!
  4. Hex New Member

    I am excited.
    Talk like a pirate day in my residence hall is going to be most amusing.
  5. Ba Lord of the Pies

    *Sings the official Talk Like a Pirate Theme Song*

    Most days are like all of the others,
    Go to work, come back home, watch TV,
    But, brother, if Ba had his druthers,
    He'd chuck it and head out to sea,

    For he dreams of the skull and the crossbones,
    He dreams of the great day to come,
    When he dumps the mundane for the Old Spanish Main
    And trades his computer for rum! ARRR!

    T' Ba,
    Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho,
    It's "Talk Like A Pirate" Day!
    When laptops are benches Ba gave 'em fer wenches,
    And a sail ain't a low price ta pay!
    When timbers are shivered and lillies are livered
    And every last buckle is swashed,
    They'll abandon their cars for a shipfull of ARRRs
    And pound back the grog till they're sloshed! Yo ho....

    Don't pick up the phone and say "Hello,
    Our ten-o-clock meeting's delayed",
    They scrunch up their face and they bellow,
    "AVAST! Ye've been bleedin' BELAYED!"

    They can't keep this fun to themselves, Ba bets,
    So sing "Aye!" "ARRR!" "Ayy!" every man!
    They ain't got much grasp of the alphabet,
    But a damn good retirement plan!

    T' Ba,
    Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho,
    It's "Talk Like A Pirate" Day!
    Whatever's in fashion is in for a thrashin'
    And bein' polite is passe!
    When it's ev'ry man's duty to grab his proud beauty
    And let out a hearty YO HO!
    And if this offends 'em, hold their breath as they sends 'em
    Ta Davy Jones' Locker ya go! Yo ho....

    They'll tell every banker "Heave to and weigh anchor!"
    Buy latte with pieces of eight
    They'll fight to be chosen as cap'n or bosun
    The loser, o' course, is worst mate!

    When they hoist Jolly Roger, the landlubbers dodge 'er,
    They fill 'em with loathing and fear,
    They'll plunder and pillage each city and village,
    Or at least clean out Wal-Mart of beer!

    There ain't no computin' or morning commutin',
    No "Parking Lot Full" signs for He,
    No lawns ta be mowin' or bills to be owin',
    Ba's knowin' the pull of the sea.

    The fresh salty brace of the wind on Ba's face
    Through hurricane, sunshine or squalls,
    He's keepin' his eyes on the distant horizon,
    Verizon can hold all his calls!

    To wear a red coat full o' buckles,
    To earn a few duelling scars,
    Well, at least they can get a few chuckles
    By filling the office with ARRRs!

    And maybe they'll never get closer,
    Than watchin' 'em on the big screen,
    So here's to old Errol and Depp as Jack Sparrow,
    And every damn one in between!

    T' Ba,
    Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho,
    It's "Talk Like A Pirate" Day!
    That time in September when sea dogs remember
    That grown-ups still know how ta play!
    When wenches are curvy and dogs are all scurvy
    And a soft-wear patch covers your eye,
    Ta hell with their jobs, for one day they're all swabs
    And buccaneers all till they die!

    So hoist up the mainsils and shut down their brain cells,
    They only would get in the way,
    Avast there, Ba's hearty, they're havin' a party,
    It's "Talk... Like... A Pirate" Day!
  6. OmKranti Yogi Wench


    That was incredible. *faints*
  7. Ba Lord of the Pies

    It's by Tom Smith. Listen to his version here.
  8. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Thats way fun. Thanks Ba!
  9. mowgli New Member

    Hoot!!! :)

    (They sell beer at Wal-Mart?...)
  10. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:18b2caf8da="mowgli"]Hoot!!! :)

    (They sell beer at Wal-Mart?...)[/quote:18b2caf8da]

    I was thinking the exact same thing. lol.
  11. sampanna New Member

    That sure was a good start to my day! :)
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Trust Ba to bring the whole thing down to just being about getting loads of Aaaaars.
  13. spiky Bar Wench

    ahoy me hearty! My peg leg is primed for the occassion...
  14. Nester New Member


    (They sell beer at Wal-Mart?...)[/quote:10402799d1]

    Yes. Yes they do. In Minnesota you can only get 3.2 beer, but in most other states Wal Mart sells good ol' full strength and even has a moderate liquor selection.

    What? It's my business to know these things. :)
  15. spiky Bar Wench


    (They sell beer at Wal-Mart?...)[/quote:8311b34504]

    Yes. Yes they do. In Minnesota you can only get 3.2 beer, but in most other states Wal Mart sells good ol' full strength and even has a moderate liquor selection.

    What? It's my business to know these things. :)[/quote:8311b34504]

    yes but American full-strength is the equivalent of a light beer for everyone else... Explaining Australians reputation for drinking.

    The state I live in doesn't regulate alcohol sales, so you can buy a slab of beer from the local fish and chip shop. Its great :)
  16. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    A slab of beer?

    Somehow that doesn't sound quite right.
  17. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:5424585b15="OmKranti"]A slab of beer?

    Somehow that doesn't sound quite right.[/quote:5424585b15]

    A slab or a case of beer refers to a package of beer that contains 24 cans or bottles of beer in a box... I did mention Australians like their beer.

    And for the record Fosters is not Australian, no one in Australia drinks it , therefore its not Australian... Only silly foreigners who think Fosters is Australian and hence an alright beer drink Fosters. Australians think its frankly piss.
  18. Nester New Member

    [quote:b4c25fe2d4="OmKranti"]A slab of beer?

    Somehow that doesn't sound quite right.[/quote:b4c25fe2d4]

    I've had some pretty thick beer before, but never had to use a knife.


    I'll go slap myself now...
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Returning to talking like pirates (and yes, deliberately ignoring that "joke", Nester) I just realized something really sad.

    There is nothing in the French language that allows you to talk like a pirate. :shock: They have no pirate-based culture, no Ninjas vs. Pirates, no "Arrrrr" or "Ahoy me hearties !" they don't know who Davey Jones is/was, or that pirates drink rum... Most of the jokes and allusions in PotC are completely lost on them. It is a sad thing. :( Bob agrees.
  20. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Silly french pepole, I knew they were good for nothing.
  21. plaid New Member

    we watched a bit of pirates 1 in french once, in a linguistics class. it was so really weird....
  22. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yes, I have seen both of the PotC movies in English and French, the voice they picked to dub poor Jack Sparrow was absolutely awful... Dull, deep, butch, would have been ok on Stallone, but not on Depp, and especially not in that character ! :shock: I wish my friends would grow up and come to the English version with hubby and me... :( (ok, some of them do, but not all of them)
  23. inwig New Member

    [quote:d33a461a98="Katcal"]There is nothing in the French language that allows you to talk like a pirate. :shock: They have no pirate-based culture, no Ninjas vs. Pirates, no "Arrrrr" or "Ahoy me hearties !" they don't know who Davey Jones is/was, or that pirates drink rum... Most of the jokes and allusions in PotC are completely lost on them. It is a sad thing. :( Bob agrees.[/quote:d33a461a98]
    Well it was mostly the Spanish, British and Dutch traders who were being preyed upon. The French were too sauve to admit they might have had a hand at designing the sloop and cutter modifications which allowed the pirates to win. Then too, wasn't there some toll that the French charged in the west of Africa. Best piracy is always land based, so they helped build the Suez Canal.
  24. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I won the pirate game.
  25. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Last night I was up too late and chanced upon this fairly wierd televangelist who is using humor to reach the people and he had a bit about Christians using the POTC as a teaching tool and even a "humorous" bit involving a trio of pirates talking about plucking thy eye out if it offends thee and such piratical references from the bible. There was a swashbuckling song about it and everything. :shock:
  26. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    the word Bucaneer comes from the french cast aways and settlers of modern day Hati. These men were some of the most famous and feared pirates in the carribean. Tortuga was, for ages, a haven to scum and villany to rival port royal in the 1660s, or mos eisley a long time ago and far far away
  27. drunkymonkey New Member

    Something like six hours left to wait now.
  28. sampanna New Member

    [quote:78bb8013a2="Rincewind"]I won the pirate game.[/quote:78bb8013a2]
    I'm sure you cheated.
  29. fairyliquid New Member

    arrrr I missed it :(
  30. OmKranti Yogi Wench be talk like a pirate day!

    Ahoy and all that.
  31. chrisjordan New Member

  32. drunkymonkey New Member

    Avast, ye swines!
  33. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yarrrrrrrrr !!
  34. Nester New Member

    Always an entertaining day. I totally forgot about it until I came into work and heard my boss answer the phone this way: "Yar! This be Barnes and Noble and we be celebrating Talk like a Pirate day! How can we help ye scurvy dog?"

    I plan on taking his job after he's fired..
  35. KaptenKaries New Member

    Hehehee. I think this holiday didn't get much attention here in Sweden. Just as Kat complained about France, we don't really have many of those piratey clichés either. Next year, I'll go to the Caribbean for a week to celebrate.

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