The Anti-annoyance thread

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I know I started one of these ages ago, but as usual, my search skills have let me down... and besides, if the Annoyance thread can be a double of the Abomination unto nuggan thread, what the hell !

    This is the thread for things that make you happy and make you smile.

    Yesterday, on the way home on the big traffic-blocked ring road, I saw a full rainbow arch against a dark black cloud, and a plane flying under it... it was quite magical ! Why oh why didn't I have my camera ?
  2. Hsing Moderator

    I threw away about 15 cubic metres of junk and stuff. I drove it all to the Recycling centre myself and hurled it into the various containers. That alone was oddly satisfying. But imagine the feeling that comes from knowing all that stuff doesn't clog up my flat anymore!
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oooh, nice :D

    I just remembered another one. We recently got a guinea pig to keep our rabbit company, and I discovered that the funniest thing on earth is a guinea pig with the hiccups :D
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    Writing makes me happy, it's obviously what I'm meant to be doing going by the way it makes me feel, and I always wonder why I don't do it more often each time I've just written some more.
  5. Andalusian New Member

    GUINEA PIG!!!!!!

    I love guinea pigs :D

    I have two. I used to have lots.
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I thought you didn't eat meat... :D
  7. Electric_Man Templar

    I had one of those moments yesterday whilst driving home. It was a wet and windy day and a guy was holding an umbrella and walking into the wind, the umbrella was so warped it looked like a letter C trying to eat his head... I did have my camera with me, but I was doing about 30mph when I went past so didn't have time to react.
  8. Delphine New Member

    I made on of these, called Non Abominations aaaaages ago. Now we have duplicates of both!

    But, going online at work is pretty cool anyway.
  9. Saccharissa Stitcher

    I went to a store today that has traditional thracian products produced by a thracean women's association. I tasted a piece of chocolate with red peppercorns. I don't know how traditional this is, but it was amazing, to the point I forgot for a couple of seconds just how soggy the rain had made me.
  10. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Avgi posting again is a thing that makes me happy.
  11. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Having a niece and a nephew both agree to be my myspace friends makes me happy. Remembering to plug my truck in makes me happy, having it start at -5F even when I forgot made me happy. The fact that tomorrow is my friday and I worked overtime today so I shouldn't have to tomorrow makes me happy.
  12. Anna New Member

    The colour of freshly ploughed Oxfordshire fields at sunset makes me happy. Also my cat's effort at pretending our chickens don't exist makes me laugh. And music. Especially Spiers and Boden, or Bellowhead. I defy anyone to be grumpy while listening to The Rochdale Coconut Dance. My son's baby photos make me happy, too, as does the sound of his laughter. Oh, and our electric blanket... bliss! Decadent, I know, but it's lovely!
  13. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Having time to post makes me happy. :)
  14. mr_scrub New Member

    Reading Pirates of the Curry Bean and Plaid New Identity makes me happy :)
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

    :) Thanks mr_scrub, I'm glad you like it...

    Robins always make me smile, I love them although I don't really know why.

    The warm morning sun on the beautiful red bricks of the buildings in the town center makes me smile. That's probably the only thing I'm going to miss about my hour and a half trip to work in the mornings...
  16. KaptenKaries New Member

    I got my shiny new Nikon D80 half an hour ago. Battery is charging, looking forward to try it out on my lunch break.

    Yay for ordering stuff to arrive at your workplace instead of home!
  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay KK !! Getting a new toy like that is just great ! I still haven't got over the excitement of getting my EOS 350D about a year ago, have fun !
  18. KaptenKaries New Member

    Had to take a little trip on the lunch to try it out. Photo album here:

    It's a bit of a gray day today... The album is in Swedish but hey it's only pictures anyways.

    Never done any photographing before, I'm looking forward to learn all about shutter speeds and aperture and ISO and whatnot. The camera is currently set at auto. :)
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hey nice start ! One day I'll learn all the technical stuff too, I kind of understand bits of it, but I almost feel guilty having such a great camera and not using all the nubbins...
  20. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I once took a photography class in college and we had to buy this little tech manual but the professor forbade us to read it until he said so. I was so confused I never even got past shooting my first roll of film and making a contact print. I'd been so looking forward to being able to take a nice photograph :cry:

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