The first time I felt like I was waiting for Godot

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Saccharissa, Aug 29, 2006.

  1. Saccharissa Stitcher

    I spent my weekend at our summer home, celebrating my dad's birthday on Saturday and going to a neighbour's wedding on Sunday.

    That summer home is old, small and, thanks to my mum, overrun by IKEA furniture, but it will always have a special place in my heart.

    Once, when I was 5 and my sister 3, we were staying there with my grandfather and my mum had come over for the weekend. Me and sis were minding our own business while grandpa and mum were in the kitchen when we heard a shriek.

    A mouse had broken into our home and had the nerve to make itself known in our kitchen.

    Mum shut the doors to the kitchen, leaving me and my sister out, climber a stool and started shouting at grandfather"KILL IT! KILL IT!", my grandfather was trying to swat the damn critter with a broom and my sister banged her fists on the door wailing "THEY'RE KILLING MICKEY MOUSE! THEY'RE KILLING MICKEY MOUSE!" and I just stood there wondering whatever happened to peace on Earth and sanity among men.

    Years (and a few Monty Pythons movies) later, I realised that [i:9e7c52eb7b]that[/i:9e7c52eb7b] was my very first surreal experience. Many more were to come, especially when having to deal with bureaucracy. I prefer the mice overrall.

    So, at what age did you have your first surreal experience and in what way did the world turn flat for you?
  2. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    those who've met my father already know without being told that my first surreal experience probably took place long before i was old enough to walk or talk.
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:ff83d6e0f9="Garner"]those who've met my father already know without being told that my first surreal experience probably took place long before i was old enough to walk or talk.[/quote:ff83d6e0f9]
    Add "and my mother" to this, and you'll have my answer...
  4. Marcia Executive Onion

    This just happened.

    My mobile phone rang. I answered the call, and got a beepy signal.

    I called back on the number that was listed in my call register, and got onto somebody else's voicemail.

    There was a message:

    "Hello, this is John. You haven't shown up for work again today. If you don't show up, I'm going to have to take disciplinary action."

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