The Goon Show

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by OmKranti, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Has anyone ever heard of the Goon Show? It was a radio show in the um..50's or so, with Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers and Harry Seacombe. Brilliant, brilliant alternative comedy. The first of it's kind. Paved the way for the likes of Monty Python and the like.

    So, I have recently aquired a very large collection of downloaded Goon Show episodes. I was wondering if anyone wanted to have a listen. Or was interested in file sharing. I just thought this treasure trove of comedy should not be wasted.

    In fact, I'm going to listen to some now, while I do some laundry and clean the bathroom.
  2. TheJackal Member

    This is a crazy coincidence because I too have just been downloading Goon Show episodes.

    I had never heard of them until last week when I randomly came across an episode. Some bits are very funny, with lots of excellent one line jokes.

    How do you file share? They would be too big for emails...
  3. Orrdos God

    Heh, Spike Milligan was a comedy genius.
  4. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Doors know's how to file share, don't you Doors? I don't really know how. I just know it's a way of sharing files (duh)

    Edit to say that I know of this site called that lets you send huge files. This Goon Show file I recieved from there was 245.6 MB.

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