The life of a Jew - LIVE!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. Electric_Man Templar

    [15:42] romankalik: *is bored, and waiting for a bus*
    [15:43] Ben: it's amazing how often the two of those go together
    [15:43] romankalik: Indeed.
    [15:44] romankalik: *has just boarded the bus*
    [15:45] romankalik: Unfortunately, this one is just the internal base bus that goes to the main gate.
    [15:45] Ben: great, "The life of a jew - LIVE." somehow I don't think it's going to catch on
    [15:45] romankalik: At least two more await me on my journey home.
    [15:45] romankalik: Quiet, you.
    [15:46] romankalik: I'm a web-junkie, so you will indulge my craving and be happy about it.
    [15:47] Ben: or maybe I'll just grumble about it and eventually block you from msn? the other alternate it that I post this on the board and let the people decide
    [15:49] romankalik: Up to you. Be advised though - blocking me from MSN may result in me visiting you in person.
    [15:50] Ben: hmm, a persuasive argument
  2. redneck New Member

    Heh, made me laugh. *reminds self not to block Roman from MSN*
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    *reminds self to pester Ben more often, it looks like fun**
  4. Roman_K New Member

    Ah, the joys of MSN on my long road home...
  5. mowgli New Member

    ::contemplates blocking Roman from MSN just to see if it really WILL result in him showing up on our doorstep::

    edited to add:
    ::contemplates asking Roman to bring gefilte fish if he does::
  6. spiky Bar Wench

    Contemplates the fact that Roman can post from anywhere on his obviously reliable wireless network and I'm sitting being blocked after only fixing the damn thing yesterday.

    How do you do it?! Maybe this reality show could be you answering tech questions on a bus in Israel. At least its novel and it stops him pestering Ben on msn...
  7. Roman_K New Member

    Mowgli, surely you can buy gefilte fish closer to home, at least the canned (or jarred) variety? You don't need me for that, though I'll be sure to come over and visit when I can afford it, regardless of MSN. ;-)

    Spiky, what's your mobile phone network? And what phone do you have? It sounds that either one or the other (likely the network) is total rubbish, but for that I would ask other people about their experiences with it.

    I could check what networks are considered reliable in Australia, if you like. I know some people in the mobile industry who like to keep themselves in the know.

    As for phones, I would pick a Nokia or Sony Ericsson and hardly anything else, unless you can afford the super-expensive phones (and want one).

    Good enough for tech-support so far? :)
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    And if your phone stops working, stick it in the freezer... :cool:
  9. spiky Bar Wench

    Nah this is the computer... After much faffing about and an hour long tech support conversation with my mobile broadband provider (Australia's infrastructure is so bad that I'm 5km from the city but I can't get a hard line for 3 months) it turns out that its the wireless adapter i installed last week.

    This means I'll have to take it and the computer to the IT shop to prove that its their problem and so I can get a new adapter... Bugger.
  10. Roman_K New Member

    *sticks Katcal in the freezer*

    Spiky, I've been reading articles lately that Australia is very interested in wireless broadband technology (WiMax antennas) because of the many areas that just can't be reached by a physical line without spending a huge amount of cash. Now, from experiments and performance tests that I myself conducted, I can safely say that most WiMax equipment around at the moment is rubbish, and will remain so until vendors start selling equipment that uses the 802.16e standard, rather than merely 802.16.

    In short, expect more trouble than just a bad adapter in the near future.
  11. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **smirks, because she is now cooler than everyone**
  12. spiky Bar Wench

    Thanks Roman that's really perked up my day :sad:... I have looked into trying to make it better but it seems the only viable option currently available is a cantenna oh how modern technology has made life easier...

    And Kat sub zero is not cool. Its deadly.
  13. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **smirks because she is more deadly than everyone else... oh and because the smirk is now frozen on**
  14. Roman_K New Member

    A cantenna, while it may look silly, is actually quite handly for extending the effective range of a small antenna. Not sure how much it would help with long-range antennas, though. It's funny, but a can is an excellent focus, and the first such device was in fact a can of Pringles...

    The problem with WiMax isn't the antennas, though, it's the transmission methods and dodgy bandwith management in the current equipment. I'd look for a satellite broadband provider, Spiky, they're few and expensive but they're much more reliable at the moment. There were several projects around for worldwide satellite broadband, and Bill Gates even invested a lot of money into one of them. A shame that they didn't quite work out, though there are a lot of useless low-altitude satellites around the planet now...
  15. spiky Bar Wench

    Yeah we looked at satellite but at about $50 for a gig of dowload plus the installation we didn't think it was worth it. The problem in Australia is that when they privatised the national telco they kept it as the infrastructure provider and the retailer all as one. They have no incentive to upgrade the network because that would mean they would advantage their retail competitors more than themselves. So no matter what new infrastructure comes in, i.e. mobile broadband, satellite broadband and even ADSL the same comapny controls the infrastructure. SO it sells to the other retailers and it is a retailer itself with the most exhorbitant prices and worst service ever. It's a bloody nightmare. The net result is that Australia has telecom and internet services which are often worse than the 3rd world...

    But according to Telstra (the privatised national carrier) its the fault of our geography. Geography my arse I live in the bloody capital of the country and can't get a bloody landline... not some bloody out station in the middle of the desert surrounded by crocs.
  16. spiky Bar Wench

    p.s. I know that crocs don't live in the desert but the way telstra carries on the may as well live there cos they ain't gettin no service.
  17. Roman_K New Member

    The initial cost and download limit are certainly a bugger, and I assume that there wasn't an uncapped program at all (or not one that's affordable, at least). From what you're saying the quality of service and outrageous costs are due to rent paid to your old monolithic telco by the new ISPs, which sucks. All I can say is: demand better, or better yet get your stupid politicians to split up the country into telco regions, thus taking away the infrastructure from a single company, or even better: get the government to set demands for infrastructure development of a key industry in the country, and fine their ass until they get it done.

    Satellite should've been a good bet here, as it doesn't require renting any phone lines, though such a company would still be forced to pay a certain rate for connecting ground stations to the standard net at key locations... Yep, you're in quite a bind here, your government made a huge mistake when they let a monolithic public company become a private monolithic company. I mean, haven't Oz government economists heard of basic market rules? Like competition, subsidies to small firms in an industry of public and/or national importance, that sort of thing? Get someone clever elected!
  18. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Feh. The life of a Jew is boring and trite. No one would want to watch that.

    Now, the death of a Jew, on the other hand...
  19. spiky Bar Wench

    Ba please don't encourage Roman to explain the history of why that's not entertaining cos the explanation is hardly entertaining or a comedy...

    And Roman I may as well become a telco terrorist where I blow up the link between the retail arm of a company and the wholesale arm. Too bad these aren't actually physically bound but that new fantasy TNT should be available soon to do the job...
  20. Roman_K New Member

    Ba, I do believe that the Death of a Jew has become rather dull, having been reenacted time and time again over the millenia. Perhaps we should try the Life of a Jew for the rarity value?

    Spiky, you might as well blow up the company in its entirety and start over.
  21. spiky Bar Wench

    Tempting but I've probably already been placed on a watch list for saying the word terrorist on the internet... I need to be able to function without being interroagated by some arsehole at the first sniff of some serious plot against the nations economic prosperity...

    Stupid prosperity.
  22. Ba Lord of the Pies

    No, no, see, that just adds poignancy to the humor.
  23. Roman_K New Member

    Spiky, the word 'terrorist' is used so often on any website that discusses politics that it would require far too many people to inspect a list if it's based on that word. And frankly, actual terrorists don't speak of their actions as terrorism, because they don't see what they do as terrorism.
  24. spiky Bar Wench

    Ah so the watch word the CIA is scanning for is freedom fighter?

    So I am fighting for the freedom of the Australian telecommunications network which is currently being held hostage by Telstra and I am doing it for the greater good and the god of broadband so it can't be terrorism...
  25. redneck New Member

    Thanks, Spiky. Because of your little tantrum there I now have the CIA, FBI, and some guy in deer-hunter hat and a pipe searching my house. All because I got your freakin comment on the message board! My name has now been added to the watch list!! Dammit, all I wanted to do was relax a little and enjoy the message board. Now THEY've got my computer and it's going to be several weeks before I get it back. Right now I'm over at my mom and dad's. I had to come over here just to be able to use the computer....

    Gotta go. The guys in suites and sunglasses sitting in their car outside the house are coming up the walk. It looks like I'm going to get another talking to and my parents computer is more than likely going to be contraband as well. Thanks again Spiky. I hope you enjoyed yourself. I'll try to post again when if they let me use the computer in the pound-you-in-the-ass prison.
  26. spiky Bar Wench

    *ha ha* (Nelson Muntz style)

    Serves you right for associating with terrorsits/freedom fighters.
  27. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I'm a terrorist fighter!
  28. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    I'd rather be a free fighter than a freedom fighter.
  29. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, face it, no one would actually pay to see you fight anyway, dude...

    Unless you were fighting something interesting. Like a rabid monkey. Or a giant octopus.
  30. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Oh, heck, Garner would fight a giant octopus free any day. Well, at least any day on which Ba has replaced his coffee sweetener with cephalopod hormones.
  31. Bradthewonderllama New Member


    Please disregard what Mowgli said. Do not bring cold jellied fish with you...
  32. Roman_K New Member

    But it's tasty!

    Though frankly, you can buy gefilte fish by the jarful (or tinful) in the US.
  33. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Which only goes to show that these Yankees are crazy.
  34. Roman_K New Member

    You can get it in the UK, too.
  35. mowgli New Member

    Gefilte fish should not come from a tin. Or a jar. Or a tube.

    It should be made at home, from scratch. Then brought to our house so we can eat it :smile:
  36. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Wait, you want Roman - an engineering student (emphasis on the student)- to cook something for you, which you then plan to actually eat and still, presumably, live to see another day? And this is before we even consider the notion of his bringing said dish from Israel to America, in his luggage with all his... accessories... Mowgli, you must either have a ceramic-lined stomach or be totally out of your mind.
  37. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    YouTube - don't ask me about my bussines.

    Now, watch that first, just for a refresher course:

    Panel 1: Garner and Roman, Roman holding a violin case
    Garner: Is it true? Are you really going to take it with you? Have you got it in that case?
    Roman: I told you not to ask me about my packing.

    Panel 2: as before, but roman looking furious
    Garner: But how will you keep it safe? How will you keep it-
    Roman: NO! Never ask me about my packing!

    Panel 3: as before, but Garner looking imploring, roman looking more calm
    Garner: Please, Roman, don't do this, I want to help you!
    Roman: Okay, just once, just this once... You can ask me about my packing...

    Panel 4: the punchline:
    Garner: did you put the gefilte fish in the freezer?
    Roman: (glares)
  38. Roman_K New Member

    I am no longer a student, Grace, though the I'm going to have to call the Engineering Department tomorrow to find out just what happened to my degree finalization request.

    And that's a pretty good comic, Clay, but just for tradition's sake... *glares*

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