The nerd's guide to drinking.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by redneck, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. redneck New Member

    I usually carry a book with me when I go to eat. Right now I'm reading "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury, it's collection of short stories. One person noticed that they'd seen me with the same book about a month before. I told them, "I'm treating it like a fine wine. Treasuring it until it's gone." I then ate my McDonald's meal and read a story or two.

    When I got home I got to thinking, "Different books are like different drinks." That lead me to thinking about how I would classify the different genres and styles with different drinks.

    The one I'm reading now is like a wine; soft, smooth, and I don't want to finish it too quickly.

    Pratchett reminds me of a kind of lager; bold, smooth, and you want to go ahead and polish it off and have another.

    I've read several before that reminded me of mixed drinks; sweet, easy to drink, and gives you a hell of a headache later.

    "The Pig that Wants to be Eaten" is a philosophy book that reminds me of vodka; strong, bright, and a couple of shots and you're good to go. Too many and you'll get sick.

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