Think of the Children [Valid flamewar thread]

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Pepster, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. Pepster New Member

    Why are our children not being told the truth in school about how the world came into being. There is overwhelming evidence that the world was created in the space of a week 6000 years ago. Why then do they have all these lies stating man evolved from monkeys being tossed at them by there teachers.

    How can we expect our children, who we raise to tell the truth, to not believe these false facts when they have to state them as true in their science tests to get a passing grade?

    Is this some type of conspiracy by the pro-evolutionist scientists in control of our public schools? Why isn't anything being done about it?

    Edited to add poll.
  2. Dane New Member

    evolution is the way, god sucks.
  3. Electric_Man Templar

    Pepster, you will actually find that there is a wealth of evidence on the side of evolution, whereas creationism is founded entirely on the substratum of one book.

    You could ask all sorts of eminent scientists and they would be able to prove by testing radiation that the earth is over 6000 years old and I'm sure will happily demonstrate this in front of your own oculi.

    I agree that our offspring should know the verisimilitude of the matter, and that is humans were descended from apes, who were descended from monkeys etcetera, all the way back to the trilobite.
  4. Nester New Member

    Now that's about the most thoroughly depressing statement I've ever heard. Right up there with "I bought the Justin Timberlake album"
  5. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee


    EVOLUTION IS A FACT! FACT FACT FACT! If you still believe in the pseudo-science drivel spun by these Christian right brainwashers, I'm sorry, but you need your head sorting.

    Every piece of 'evidence' for creationism has been discounted, whereas there is manifold evidence for the law of evolution. How much more proof does America need?

    Schools should teach evolution because they are there to tell our children the truth, not to fill them with superstitious, exploitative claptrap. There's no room for God in a thinking person's curriculum.
  6. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I think the important thing is to look at the Now,rather than the Then!

    Shouldn't a more important role of our civilization be to educate our children to create definite futures, not argue about vague facts on the creation of the past.
    Arguments will always happen concerning the belief of Creation, and will always be closely connected to religion.
    The belief in 'a creation' in the Hindu faith is the same in Sydney, as it is in India, as it is in New York.
    The belief in 'a creation' in the Buddhist faith is the same in Peking, as it is in California, as it is in London.
    Both of these factions are unshakable in their beliefs making their religions quite stable across the globe.
    The main body of argument seems to come mainly from within the Christian religion. It is the youngest form of belief and one, incidentally, that has the most variations within itself. Surely, Christians should be looking at, and agreeing, the theories laid down in their own 'Rule Book' before criticizing the beliefs of others.
  7. Tephlon Active Member

    I was made by God (or a god at least.) in his image (or by a goddess after her greatest fantasy)

    No way this body "just evolved."

    Anyways, you're all inferior beings anyway.
  8. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Evolution is a FACT!! If you believe you were created, you are delusional, no two ways about it. Even stupid lifeforms like you managed to evolve - after all, what kind of God would want to create you? There's a surplus of evidence in this field, and it's about time you superstitious, fanciful creationists learned to recognise it, instead of miring children in a swamp of lies and witchcraft.
  9. Tephlon Active Member


    One humour transfusion for Ms. Buzzfloyd, stat!
  10. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Actually, the beliefs of Buddhists and Hindus, like Christianity, are hardly monolithic. There are many factions, and while the broad strokes of their beliefs about creation may be the same, there are a number of different details that change from one group to another. Indeed, one can have many factions living side-by-side. This is a basic part of comparative religion, and it's absolutely stunning that Joculator doesn't get this simple fact. Given an error of this magnitude, how can the rest of his argument be anything but rubbish? Were he smart enough to have a cogent argument, he would have gotten his facts straight beforehand, not simply barged into the discussion with supposition presented as truth.
  11. missy New Member

    *nods like i understand*

    Yep i agree

    *Looks shifty as it's plain i don't*
  12. spiky Bar Wench

    Creationists are poorly educated and should be pittied for the difficult life they've led for them to arrive at such idiotic conclusions...

    Evolutionists are just smug.
  13. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    If we're smug, it's because we know that what we believe in is actual, factual truth, not a load of hogwash made up by the mumbo-jumbo fairy.
  14. spiky Bar Wench

    Hey the mumbo-jumbo fairy is MY kind of person. Stop dissin her.
  15. Dane New Member

    well personally i'd rather believe this that Christianity after all that is a lot more interesting and can you prove that that isn't the truth? can you prove that Christianity is the truth? or any other major religions.
  16. Mithras-Kosmokrator New Member

    I am a drooling moron, and proud of it!

    Speaking as a Christian, the creation stories in the Bible are myths. As a Jewish univeristy chaplain I used to know said, try explaining quantum physics to a bunch of desert nomads four thousand years ago.
  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    (OOC : Mithras, this is a topic that's part of the flamewar game, you might want to look at the original thread before participating, just so you know where you're setting foot ;))
  18. Mithras-Kosmokrator New Member

    Oh. Ah. Thanks (ducks back into trench and hopes no one has noticed)
  19. Anna New Member

    There's nothing like religion to get an argument going, is there? I think that the idea of us just popping into existence is absurd, and I don't see how anyone, no matter how dedicated to their faith, can possibly believe it. Have they never seen fossils? I don't get why religion and science have to oppose eachother. Understanding how something works doesn't make it any less miraculous or beautiful.
  20. spiky Bar Wench

    All religion is bumpkiss. That is all.
  21. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Exactly! (Assuming 'bumpkiss' is as bad as it sounds.) Evolution is a fact, religion is superstitious tripe, and that's all there is to it.

    Where are you, Richard Dawkins? We need your well-reasoned, non-emotive and not-at-all-based-in-some-kind-of-big-psychological-issues-possibly-involving-your-father argument in this debate!

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