This is what my boredom leads to

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Nester, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. Nester New Member

    Interpol has just released information about one of the most prolific and deadliest killers of our time. This sinister "boy" has been operating since the late 70's, but is finally now being recognized for the crimes he has committed. If seen DO NOT APPROACH. The suspect has been known to push his own kind into ovens and squeal with joy once their burned bodies are removed. His many accomplices such as Suzy (age 7) have been apprehended, but insist that they were coerced into the cooking of the suspect's targets. He can be easily recognized bys his 5" stature, rather squashy appearance, and the sound of his maniacal laughter ringing throughout the kitchens all over the world.

    It is unknown whether he is armed, but is definitely dangerous. This security camera footage shows he is well versed in the use of explosives:

    YouTube - 1980's Commercial - Classic Pillsbury Doughboy

  2. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    you need a hobby, man.
  3. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Just settle yourself down a bit and borrow a couple of mine...

  4. Electric_Man Templar

    Well, I know why you have that information.

    It's a simple equation:

    [IMG] - Goatee + Hat = [IMG]
  5. spiky Bar Wench

  6. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    That was great! I like the bit right at the end best.
  7. Nester New Member

    Garner, my hobby is finding anything to keep me amused inside the house while the high temperature is -8 degrees. I've tried other things, but the Q-tip houses just don't sell.

    Ben.....Thank you for giving me the idea for my Halloween costume next year :D

    I always knew there was something sinister about Ronald, too. They're probably working together actually....where did those pills go? :roll:

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