Tony Blair on Our Street

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Sep 4, 2006.

  1. Maljonic Administrator

    Yes, the British Prime Minister was just on our street. I've been sitting out on the balcony hoping to get a picture of him for Rinso's random picture thread, but all I've managed to get is his motorcade driving away down the street.

    Still, I don't think a PM ever came to York before so it's quite exciting that he was on our street. He came to see this teenagers' hostel that's been the source of a local crime streak. I bet the little devils will be going on about this for weeks now, maybe years... :)
  2. missy New Member

    He was in Nottingham a few weeks ago! I don't know what he was talking about at the uni but we had snipers on the top of the building opposite. My friend who sits next to me spent an hour (her whole lunch break) trying to get them to wave at her. She ended up shouting really loud with one of the other girls to get their attention and bless em they actually made her day and waved!

    She was on such a high after that. I wanted to make a banner telling them to just get it over with and shoot her but she said i couldn't!
  3. KaptenKaries New Member

    Haha that's a great story Missy.
  4. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i 'lol'ed at that, missy :)
  5. Hsing Moderator

    So did I. :D
  6. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Pfft- and what would of happened if a rapid terrorist attacked our dear prime minster while they where busy waving...Thats slack sniping, that is.
  7. Orrdos God

    Clearly the people in Missy's office are a threat to national security.

    I bet they wear turbans and/or are asylum seekers!
  8. missy New Member

    [quote:bdafe455e9="Orrdos"]Clearly the people in Missy's office are a threat to national security.

    I bet they wear turbans and/or are asylum seekers![/quote:bdafe455e9]

    I will have you know all my collegues are perfectly insane! they are not terrorists they are just silly........

    And to answer Rinso's accusation, The PM has the biggest entourage possible so two lovely snipers taking pity on a poor office worker that had obviously led a sheltered life wouldn't make any difference! (i bless those two brave men stood on the roof for 3 hours as i saw the look on Emmas face when they looked through their binoculars at her, hesitated for a moment then waved like two total fruit cakes, she did however look like she would cry when she tore up the banner asking them to shoot her!)
  9. Maljonic Administrator

    They didn't have any snipers when he was on our street, just loads of people with cameras and gawking locals - about what he'd have expected from a medieval town I suppose. :)
  10. Angua_rox New Member

    Cool story Missy!
  11. sampanna New Member

    Nice story :)
    But I'm a bit surprised that Tony Blair still travels by car - you'd expect a throne floating a few feet above the ground surrounded by a force field which just incidentally looks like an aura.

    Stupid science, letting us all down :)
  12. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Foundation, or Revolt in 2100?
  13. sampanna New Member

    Foundation - never heard of the other. Good, is it?

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