two part tripod contest

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Dec 20, 2005.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    right, this is a two parter. in part one, we'll vote on the desired punchline. in part two, we'll vote on who draws it.

    Pannel One:
    Phone Rings.
    Pannel Two:
    Garner: Hello?
    Phone: ...
    Garner: Hello??
    Phone: Hello, may I speak to the account owner-
    Pannel Three:
    Garner: Phone solicitor.
    Buzzfloyd: Are you in legal trouble again?
    Garner: I mean telemarketer.
    Buzzfloyd: Oh. I've asked them to stop calling.
    Pannel Four:
    Phone Rings
    Garner Scowls.
    Pannel Five.... YOU DECIDE! Your choices are:

    Caption: Somewhere in India
    Ba: Dial faster!
    Phone Drone: This upsets my karma!
    Ba: The Ba does not care.

    Caption: Somewhere in India
    Doors: Ach, I didna expect this when they said 'transfer to a new department', Jimmy!
    Cow: Mooo....?
    Doors: Ach, I miss ma sheep.

    Caption: Somewhere in India
    Scorched looking phone drone, holding smoking phone: Ouch...
    Unscorched phone drone: You look like a saipur who just tried his first vindaloo!
    Scorched looking phone drone: *Whimper*
  2. Electric_Man Templar

    If you replace "demartment" with "department"... option b
  3. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Edited to be Weasle Compliant.
  4. Electric_Man Templar

    Don't know what you mean by weasle compliant, but I voted anyway.
  5. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Damn you Garner, how could you make us choose. That cruel and unusual punishment, that is.

    I voted for A, but B is soooo funny too. I think you should do a series.
  6. Maljonic Administrator

    I've gone for A, but I also like B. :)
  7. lipi New Member

    Both A and B are funny, but I chose A. It's not fair to make us choose, though!
  8. Pixel New Member

    I'm not going to get into the argument - but I will point out something that Grace has apparently missed and has not corrected Garner on - there is only one "n" in panel! (Garner - I think I'm owed one - your recent reference to me as "an old man" - I prefer "a man in late middle age" - I'm only 56, for gods sake!)
  9. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I A is the Best. But the effort involved in voting is beyond me.
  10. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    sorry pixel, us young and active people on the go haven't got time for spell check.
  11. Cynical_Youth New Member

  12. sleepy_sarge New Member


    On account of it has Ba in it.
  13. Pixel New Member

    [quote:8dbe1b350c="Garner"]sorry pixel, us young and active people on the go haven't got time for spell check.[/quote:8dbe1b350c]
    I thought you had your own personal spelling/grammar checker - you married her - but that doesn't seem to have helped you find the shift key - it's Pixel with a capital P - I can get very touchy about seemingly unimportant matters! :)
  14. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba has, of course, voted for A. That said, the idea of Doors suffering is also quite amusing.
  15. koshu New Member

    ive gone with A but still its harsh to make us choose :(
  16. Tephlon Active Member

    I've voted A because it was just a little bit more perfect than B.
  17. Andalusian New Member

    A, because I would like to think that no person could be as evil as a telemarketer without Ba-ish prompting.
  18. TamyraMcG Active Member

    A has Ba, B is also good you could have more then one telemarketer, I do, frequently.
  19. spiky Bar Wench

    A. I'm too hungover to read the rest...
  20. Roman_K New Member

    I like B, myself.
  21. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I chose A. And, the board wouldn't allow to just post "A".
  22. Hermia New Member

    I vote A, because it's EVIL!!!! :evil: :badgrin:

    [quote:69a3419904="Pixel"][quote:69a3419904="Garner"]sorry pixel, us young and active people on the go haven't got time for spell check.[/quote:69a3419904]
    I thought you had your own personal spelling/grammar checker - you married her - but that doesn't seem to have helped you find the shift key - it's Pixel with a capital P - I can get very touchy about seemingly unimportant matters! :)[/quote:69a3419904]

    Shhh, we're not supposed to talk to him about Grace. Do you see her anywhere around here? No? Because Garner shrank her and put her in with his seamonkeys, that's why. And it's hard to check spelling from a tank.
  23. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    that reminds me, it's time for their weekly feeding...
  24. sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:c53929386c="Hermia"] And it's hard to check spelling from a tank.[/quote:c53929386c]

    Never underestimate a Spelling Bee (even a tiny one with a snorkel and flippers)
  25. Katcal I Aten't French !

    :D :lol:

    Looks like A's winning... Ba is so convincing as a vilain ! :D
  26. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Thats because he is. It's not acting when it comes that naturally.
  27. Hermia New Member

    [quote:d93a471f5e="sleepy_sarge"][quote:d93a471f5e="Hermia"] And it's hard to check spelling from a tank.[/quote:d93a471f5e]

    Never underestimate a Spelling Bee (even a tiny one with a snorkel and flippers)[/quote:d93a471f5e]

    Well, she didn't manage though, did she? So it's quite obvious that Garner didn't allow the poor little thing a snorkel and flippers!
  28. Pixel New Member

    [quote:ca90842965="Hermia"][quote:ca90842965="sleepy_sarge"][quote:ca90842965="Hermia"] And it's hard to check spelling from a tank.[/quote:ca90842965]

    Never underestimate a Spelling Bee (even a tiny one with a snorkel and flippers)[/quote:ca90842965]

    Well, she didn't manage though, did she? So it's quite obvious that Garner didn't allow the poor little thing a snorkel and flippers![/quote:ca90842965]
    So we've had Band Aid, Children In Need, Red Nose Day - maybe it's time for get Grace a Snorkel and Flippers Day - or possibly one of those bottles marked "Drink me" from Alice in Wonderland to let her grow back! :)
  29. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Okay, we'll declare "A" the obvious winner. which saddens me, as it's a recycled joke and "C" was my favorite.

    i'll update the poll to reflect artist choices soonish, but i'd like to open the floor to nominations.

    i'm currently thinking of 'phlon, doorsh, and the toastling as contendors.
  30. chrisjordan New Member

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