Two Weeks

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Ba, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba's recruiter called today. Someone broke their leg, so he's taking their slot. He leaves most likely on the 20th.
  2. mowgli New Member

    Um... leaves where?
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    Starfleet Command, obviously. :bunny:
  4. randywine Member

    Someone broke Ba's recruiter's leg?
  5. spiky Bar Wench

    Someone broke Ba's recruiter's leg so the recruiter is leaving on the 20th and Ba is taking the recruiter's spot...

    Beware Ba will be recruiting soon.
  6. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Holy shit Ba, I was unaware that you were still investigating this, let alone leaving in two weeks! Congrats!
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay, Ba in space ! :pirate: Although I'm pretty sure Starfleet isn't too hot on non-reglementary moustaches...
  8. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba is joining the United States Air Force. The person who broke their leg is some manner of recruit. Ba has no idea how this happened, honestly. Fortuitously, Ba gets their slot in Basic Training.
  9. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    don't get your ass shot off, private.
  10. Ba Lord of the Pies

    It's Airman. And yes, sir*.

    *This is, of course, to be taken as a generic show of military jargon, and not an actual show of deference for Garner.
  11. jaccairn New Member

    Congratulations Ba. Does that mean you'll be in basic training over Christmas?
  12. randywine Member

    Wow. Well done Airman Ba.

    Basic will be hard but stick to it and you'll feel like a million bucks at your passing out parade.

    Good luck man.

  13. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh well, if it's the US Air Force, then the 'tache is almost reglementary !


    Stay safe, though, and don't go shooting down Roman... Or at least, don't leave any witnesses.
  14. spiky Bar Wench

    Oh... I guess air training will be more fun than recruiting... but only just.

    Have fun and enjoy growing a truly stupendous mo.
  15. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Good luck in Basic, Ba. Don't get killed (by exhaustion or otherwise), and shave off that Garner-damned cry for help, will you?
  16. mazekin Member

    Good luck Airman Ba! Enjoy it, have many hijinks and report back on your happenings on the board!

    (My brother was in the RAF and I have many funny stories that all unfortunately began with "You can't tell anyone this, but one time, we were in Germany and there was this..." I can say, though, that one involved a missile (not live), a white van and a ferry. And ended with me asking "And you weren't arrested???"* )

    *Stories were all confirmed at a reunion several years ago, in which many wives were looking at their husbands with the 'we're going to be having words when we get home' look.

    Stay safe!
  17. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Don't get your privates shot off, Airman Ba.

    And roman shouldn't have anything to worry about from Ba. to quote GTA: San Andreas: "You're not a British Tank; you'll be fine."
  18. mowgli New Member

    Amen to Garner's first statement. And does Ba plan on becoming an astronaut? (way to spread the Church's message across the galaxy!)
  19. Orrdos God

    Well, good luck Ba!

    Try not to get killed. You'd be missed! By someone. Probably.
  20. Maljonic Administrator

    Good look Ba by the way, and say hello to [SIZE=-1]Boothby for me. :)[/SIZE]
  21. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Goodness, take care Airman Ba, do you have any idea what job you are going to train for? Mike is in avionics and he seems to have been able to stay fairly out of the sand pit. He has a while to go though. I'm not sure how long he will be at Ellsworth but if you are ever in the same place I'll make sure you know. He had people looking out for him when he went different places so he and Dani can return the favor if the opportunity arises. Be safe and Thank you for your service to our country.
  22. redneck New Member

    *hides crowbar*

    Sorry to hear about the guy breaking his leg. I wonder how that could have happened? Anyway, best of luck and best wishes.
  23. Ba Lord of the Pies

    *Slides a pastry into Redneck's pocket* Indeed. So mysterious, that accident...

    Ba's going to train to become an Airborne Linguist. It will be an interesting career.

    And no, Ba is not going to shoot himself into space. That's what minions are for.

    Thanks for all of the good wishes. May all be blessed with pie. Except Doors.
  24. Tephlon Active Member

    Ba would trust minions to shoot him into space?


    Anyways, best of luck, don't get shot or anything like that.
    By the way, what does an airborne linguistic expert do? Exactly?
  25. spiky Bar Wench

    In a linguistically correct manner say: "Fire!"
  26. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I was wondering that too... After all, we all know from watching Stargate that the US Air Force only ever encounters people who speak perfect American.
  27. mowgli New Member

    mwahaha... will you be studying Russian, or is that, like, sooooo last war?
  28. Rewr New Member

    Good luck!

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