
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Roman_K, Oct 15, 2006.

  1. Roman_K New Member

  2. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    roman? lean over here so i can beat ten kinds of crap out of you for linking to a daily mail article.

    fuck, make it eleven different kinds. man, now we gotta disinfect the whole boards...
  3. Roman_K New Member

    [quote:a11ff6a3a0="Garner"]roman? lean over here so i can beat ten kinds of crap out of you for linking to a daily mail article.

    fuck, make it eleven different kinds. man, now we gotta disinfect the whole boards...[/quote:a11ff6a3a0]

    Well, I figured they can't actually *lie* about the events as the school would simply sue them. The Daily Mail is a crap tabloid, as is The Sun, but every now and then it has something useful.

    Now head over to MSN.
  4. Hsing Moderator

    You'd wonder what they can make up, and how little a paper the weight of the Daily Mail has to care about this. I can only illustrate this with examples from the German boulevard press, but I suppose they work much the same in almost every Western country.
  5. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    the daily mail and the sun routinely fabricate stories, are known to be guilty of plagairism on numerous occasions, and have a strong enough body of solicitors to ward off most complaints
  6. Maljonic Administrator

    I should have read your reponses first instead of wasting my time thinking up one of my own that is pretty much the same.

    The Daily Mail is a pile of dog poo that deliberatly writes articles to get the not-so-bright majority all fired up over whatever the current burning issue may be, which is usually dictated to them by the Mail in the first place.

    The current issue, as dictated to the (not-so-bright) masses, is foreigners and their foreign ways eating away at our society by speaking funny and wearing black outfits that cover their faces whose very actions are responsible for creating terrorist, which in itself is the main branch of this particular tree of thought.

    P.S. As to the school having a police officer, if this is true, I imagine the place must be a total shit hole, as I've never heard of this happening before, where bad things happen all the time, which is probably why they're knocking it down and building a new one.

    Edit: or maybe it's something to do with this
  7. allthatjazz New Member

    This is embarrassing, but my high school had a full time police officer stationed there. And a 'school security team'. They had nice yellow shirts. They mostly checked hall passes and occaisonally stopped fights. My school was also right across the street from the police station, which was right next to the cow pasture. Our school wasn't that awful, at least not in terms of crimes. We did have a day off once because they thought the school had fleas.
  8. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Roman, the phrase is 'over the top', and the [i:1c738e8169]Daily Mail[/i:1c738e8169] is not worth the paper it's printed on. They're like Harry King, they make money out of recycled shit.

    One of our local schools, the Grove, has recently been allocated a pair of police officers. The Grove's catchment area includes the poorest parts of town, so they get kids from really rough backgrounds.
  9. spiky Bar Wench

    They could very well fabricate... The Sydney equivilent "the daily telegraph" reported that 13 people had died when lightening struck a soccer field during a match in Africa... The actual events were that 3 people had been taken to hospital. Accuracy in journalism, I think not...

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