Uploading Photos

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Rewr, Dec 8, 2007.

  1. Rewr New Member

    Thought I'd start a new thread since I can't upload my photo... and I don't want to bog down Sunna's Photo Comp one.

    I have done as Katcal suggested - opened a Flickr account - uploaded photo - right click copy - back to USMB - Insert Image - .............:confused:

    nowt to paste!


    Any suggestions?

    Do I need to make my pic available to all?
  2. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    You can't paste it into the post, Rewr, you have to link to the picture at the site where it's hosted. Like this (but without the spaces and with a real address):

    [ img ] www.wherever Rewr's picture is.jpg [ /img ]
  3. Rewr New Member

    Okay - here goes...

  4. Rewr New Member

    Don't think its worked?

    Please think of Bear with very little brain, I'm just glad my head is attached to my body today!
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    First of all, from what I can see, you haven't got the right kind of address for the picture. when you have the picture in front of you on the page, click ON the picture, with your mouse's right button.
    - With IE, you will have to click on "Properties" and then look for the Address in the box that will open (you can select the address and copy (Ctrl+C) and then close the box by pressing cancel).
    - With Firefox, it is much simpler, you just do a right-click on the picture and select "Copy the address of the picture".
    The address should end in ".jpg". With Flickr, you can also choose between several sizes of picture by clicking on the "all sizes" button above the pic. This will also allow you to avoid having to mess with the pic's address afterwards, as the addresses you get on this page are "cleaner".

    Now, back on TPUMB there is a little yellow square with mountains and a blob [IMG] above the text area where you enter your post, click on that, then paste in the adresse of your picture from Flickr, making sure there is nothing extra after the .jpg file extension.

    Et voilĂ  !
  6. Rewr New Member

    Here goes.... enjoy


    This picture was taken at the Stonehaven Folk Festival (Scotland)
  7. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Good job on the instructions, Kat, and on following them, Rewr!
  8. Rewr New Member

    I'm not normally so dense. I just don't have time at the moment to faff about. But glad I've got it sorted.

    (just had a quick look at Java - eh? Its working so that'll satisfy me for now)

    I'm in the middle of changing pcs, and sorting my pics, my grans (maysherestinpeace) pics, and others that have been thrown my way.

    I'll get a wee collection of favourites on at some point - add it to my to do list.

    Know I just need to find the time to get out and about with my camera..., or dads, if I can sneak it out his office.:pirate:

    Could always use office party pic for joy. Oh wait, no can do - we're just getting wasted - morale at all time low:lol:

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