Upside-down monkey cake

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by leather_monkey, Oct 16, 2006.

  1. first i have to say that this post contains no monkeys, cakes or any combination of the two.

    second i apologise to any australians or new zealanders who might be offended by the upside-down reference. [not that i think there are any here who would be]

    finally, to the point. at the beginning of february 2007 i am travelling to australia for a holiday. :D

    i will be flying out via San Francisco, where i may have the opportunity to spend a few hours [depending on delays etc.], to Sydney.

    my main reason for going is the Australian Discworld Convention [] but this will only take up 3 days of the 11 i will be in the country.

    my request is simple. does anyone here have suggestions for things to see/do/visit for the other 8 days?

    meeting up would not be out of the question, although due to limited funds i won't be able to travel far from Sydney or Melbourne [where the con is].

    i haven't yet booked my place at the con, but i want to do so in the next 2 weeks. if a meetup is suggested for the weekend of the con before that time, i will give it most serious thought. of course, if meeting at the con is possible, so much the better.

    all ideas are welcome and will be considered.

    thank you all in advance :D
  2. chrisjordan New Member

    Is Aston still saying towel? If so, I concur with his suggestion.

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