Useless Health Warnings

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Angua_rox, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. Angua_rox New Member

    [color=darkred:5d10dc1487]Example: "May contain nuts" on a packet of nuts.

    Who thinks of these things?

    People got any other examples? [/color:5d10dc1487]
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    I don't think there are that many 'useless' health warnings. Maybe some pretty obvious ones, but I can't see how they have no use if it stops someone risking their health?

    It could be argued that many health warnings are of little use, other than activating some company's/government's insurance policies, such as: 'No Swimming in Shark Infested Pool Please' or 'Smoking Kills', but there's always at least one or two idiots that will consider opening that door when the plane is airborn - so if it makes just those people stop and think it has a little bit of use. :)
  3. Hsing Moderator

    I don't know, I've lately discovered that there's an imprint on the takeaway coffee mugs of my favourite takeaway - "Hot Content", in English. I guess they want to make sure they don't get sued in case someone (someone like me, for example) pours it over themselves.
    I still thought: Sad. In a world of grown ups, you'd hope for hot coffee, and take it upon yourself to ensure you don't boil yourself with it.
  4. Angua_rox New Member

    Some of them I suppose are useful for some people, but I can't see May contain nuts (on a packet of nuts) ever really being considered useful. :roll:

    I know that anything which can help people is good, obviously, :)
    just some of them are really laughable. :)
  5. Pixel New Member

    [quote:5b8b33c1ab="Hsing"]I don't know, I've lately discovered that there's an imprint on the takeaway coffee mugs of my favourite takeaway - "Hot Content", in English. I guess they want to make sure they don't get sued in case someone (someone like me, for example) pours it over themselves.
    I still thought: Sad. In a world of grown ups, you'd hope for hot coffee, and take it upon yourself to ensure you don't boil yourself with it.[/quote:5b8b33c1ab]

    I think this might be a result of a case (I suspect in America) in which someone who bought a hot coffee in a MacDonalds (I think) then upset it, scalded herself, sued, and got damages. This brings to my mind the hassles we have been having with the authorities getting our theatrical premises relicenced - one of the requirements for the electrical inspection was that after the circuit-breakers in the fuse-box had been labelled as to what they controlled, the entire box had to have a big yellow black-edged triangle with the "lightning" sign for electricity on it - what do people expect to find in a fuse-box?
  6. missy New Member

    Dave bought an iron a couple of weeks ago, on the instruction manual it says, "don't iron clothes while wearing them" Apart from Rinso (who doesn't own an iron anyway) who the hell would do that!
  7. TheJackal Member

    People seem to sue for stupid reasons these days so companies have to put in those warnings.
    An example that springs to mind was the lady who sued Nike for tripping over her shoe laces & injuring herself!
  8. Dane New Member

    [quote:66c67992bd="TheJackal"]People seem to sue for stupid reasons these days so companies have to put in those warnings.
    An example that springs to mind was the lady who sued Nike for tripping over her shoe laces & injuring herself![/quote:66c67992bd]

    That reminds me of the case of the American that sued McDonalds because he didn't know that if he ate there everyday it'd make him fat... Some people need a little common sense, and others need a lot more.
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Actually, I can think of a few people who if they knew of the existence of ironing could do that... try to Iron the bottom of a sirt while wearing it and dropping the hot fabric back down onto skin... something stupid along those lines...

    I had a whole list of these things once, can't seem to find it right now... but still a good list.

    On my personal list, I once saw a bin (trash can for you american people) with "No swimming" on it. Admittedly it was near a canal, but if you had your back to the canal, it looked quite funny... So I took a picture of it, and it was lost in my computer crash.

    And on the subject of opening airplane doors while in the air I just saw a thing with that presentor from UK Big Brother and she said she was scared of flying because she was sure one day someone would think it was the door to the toilet and open it by mistake.

    And Garner didn't even smite her for making a joke about doors. **sulks**
  10. missy New Member

    [quote:b799a1aada="Dane"][quote:b799a1aada="TheJackal"]People seem to sue for stupid reasons these days so companies have to put in those warnings.
    An example that springs to mind was the lady who sued Nike for tripping over her shoe laces & injuring herself![/quote:b799a1aada]

    That reminds me of the case of the American that sued McDonalds because he didn't know that if he ate there everyday it'd make him fat... Some people need a little common sense, and others need a lot more.[/quote:b799a1aada]

    HMMMMMMM i'm thinking a dose of meeting Ba in a dark ally way at midnight might sort out the people that need more!
  11. Angua_rox New Member

    I actually know someone who knows someone who was at the Gaeltacht and in a hurry.

    Her top was crinkled, so she borrowed an iron from the bean an tí.
    Turning it on, she rubbed it over her stomach area.
    And was promptly sent to hospital. :( :roll:
  12. Maljonic Administrator

    I'm sure someone posted this before, maybe me:,,1647976,00.html

    Also my mum told me, after I read this thread to her earlier today, that she has also ironed her clothes while wearing them. In particular a long, flowing skirt that she couldn't be bothered to take off and pressed it on the ironing board.
  13. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    [quote:f71e8d358c="missy"]Dave bought an iron a couple of weeks ago, on the instruction manual it says, "don't iron clothes while wearing them" Apart from Rinso (who doesn't own an iron anyway) who the hell would do that![/quote:f71e8d358c]

    I *do* have an Iron thankyouverymuch. I just don't *use* the iron. I'm hobo chic, Baby.

    Also my friend was living with his girlfriend and she cheated/ dumped him so he had to move out. So he peed in the water bit of the iron.

  14. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Incidentally, McDonalds does brew it's coffee hotter than any other major restaurant/ coffee place.
  15. Hsing Moderator

    Those I was at aren't bad, either. I'm going to keep a scar, I bet. My hand looks really ugly right now.
  16. QuothTheRaven New Member

    I have a theory that law suits are the modern day equivolent of dueling. Whereas people in the past would settle their disputs by dueling to the death, modern people sue each other.
  17. spiky Bar Wench

    The best I've ever seen is my sisters kevlar helmut. Its the same one they issue to US soldiers and it comes with an instruction manual thats nearly half an inch thick. I mean its only a glorified hard hat but US soldiers need instruction on wearing them (Brad I'm sure your intelligent enough to know which way round your hat goes)...

    In the Do Not section there were three things:

    1. Do not boil water in your helmut
    2. Do not dig a hole with your helmut
    3. Do not use your helmut as a hammer

    I thhink that if your desparate enough to try any of these things with are necessary with only a helmut you are probably stuck in the middle of a desert somewhere with no supplies or anyone around. Getting shot in the head would be the least of my problems.

    I think theres probably other things you shouldn't be doing with your helmut too...

    4. Do not use your helmut to re-enact Fred Astaire dance routines
    5. Do not give your helmut to the enemy
    6. Do not use your helmut as a gazunder
    7. Do not use your helmut as a football
    8. Do not use your helmut for target practice, especially if its still on your head

    And there should be a warning label that says:

    [quote:5b855056cb]May not protect against bullets.
    May contain nuts.[/quote:5b855056cb]
  18. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    In Basic Training I did see someone using their helmet as a hammer. And yes, we got the heck excercised out of us for him doing that. And, the military has manuals for everything :p And I mean Everything!
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    9. Do not crap in your helmut
    10. If you or someone else has crapped in your helmut, do not replace it on your head.

    Say Brad, what's the weirdest manual you have ever seen in the army ?
  20. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:1850005508="spiky"]The best I've ever seen is my sisters kevlar helmut. [/quote:1850005508]

    Spiky, is your sister's Helmet actually branded Helmut, or is she wearing a german chap on her head?
  21. KaptenKaries New Member

    Was wondering about that too.
  22. Hsing Moderator

    Er... me too. :D
  23. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:8b4ae08460="Hsing"]Er... me too. :D[/quote:8b4ae08460]
    Well same here, I guessed it was its little nickname... Helmut the helmet :D Maybe it's australian for cabbage ?

    Edited for unpardonnable "it's" **stabs self with ninja thingy**
  24. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:4a5d08fdb1="Katcal"][quote:4a5d08fdb1="Hsing"]Er... me too. :D[/quote:4a5d08fdb1]
    Well same here, I guessed it was it's little nickname... Helmut the helmet :D Maybe it's australian for cabbage ?[/quote:4a5d08fdb1]

    Er...Nooo. I just was having a spelling meltdown. Thank you Grace/Ben.

    I thought it looked a little funny but I thought helmet looked just as strange so I went with my first instinct. Damn instincts.
  25. koshu New Member

    well seeing as were talking about random sayings wen we flew from Jhb to capetown we went on Kahlula.)is a national company only).

    It was a connectinf\g flight from england and the anouncements they made were truely classic.

    " Good afternoon, This is your captain speaking..

    We would like to welcome you to to South africa if you have landed from overseas and to those of you who lve here i hope your car is still here when u get back.

    we would like to inform you that anyone cought smoking on this flight will be asked to leave immediatley(no parachute included)"

    there were a lot more but thats all i cam remember at this time :)
  26. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:7acbf6febd="koshu"]well seeing as were talking about random sayings wen we flew from Jhb to capetown we went on Kahlula.)is a national company only).

    It was a connectinf\g flight from england and the anouncements they made were truely classic.

    " Good afternoon, This is your captain speaking..

    We would like to welcome you to to South africa if you have landed from overseas and to those of you who lve here i hope your car is still here when u get back.

    we would like to inform you that anyone cought smoking on this flight will be asked to leave immediatley(no parachute included)"

    there were a lot more but thats all i cam remember at this time :)[/quote:7acbf6febd]

    One I always enjoy is the "in the event of landing on water" bit of the security blurb on an internal flight...
  27. Hex New Member

    That reminds me of what a flight attendant said on one of my Dad's flights to Arizona:

    "On this flight there is a smoking area. Those of you sitting on the left side of the plane may use the left wing, and those of you sitting on the right side of the plane may use the right wing. Smoking is not permitted in any other area of the plane. Thank you."
  28. QuothTheRaven New Member

    On one flight that I was one, the flight attendants gave everyone a safety pamphlet that turned out to be in comic book form.
  29. spiky Bar Wench

    Not a plane but a regular train in Sydney (kind of like the London tube system) I got on in the city and was going home accross the Harbour bridge, the train driver got on the PA and instead on the usual "stand clear, doors closing" or "Next stop X"... This guy got on abd said:

    "Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. I thank you for using this train service that stops all stations to Hornsby. On you right you will see the Opera House, built in the 70s and designed by Utson. To your right you will see Kirribilli and McMahon's Point. On the hill is the prime ministers house..." and on it went. I was only on for a couple of stops but it truely brought a smile to all the cynical evening communter's lives on the way home.
  30. Maljonic Administrator

    That reminds me of an incedent when I was a teenager. I was on the high speed train the Birmingham in England and the steward of the buffet car was drunk. After every stop he came on the PA and pretended to be guard and announced that we were on the train the Edinburgh, then listed all the stops in between - making everyone think they'd just got on the wrong train, heading the wrong way. Oh we did laugh... :)
  31. roisindubh211 New Member

    When I was studying TV productions in high school, our teacher (i cannot remember why, actually) was talking about health warnings. He presented us with the gem :" do not straddle the logsplitter" (logsplitter- think of those old movies, lady tied to the conveyor belt in a sawmill...)

    He then told us that most of the odder warnings were put on in response to people actually [i:24da8c4c5a]being[/i:24da8c4c5a] stupid enough to do those things. Sad, sad species that we are.
  32. spiky Bar Wench

    I know we've already discussed the "May contain nuts" warning on peanuts, but the bag my boyfriend was eating on the weekend took the cake:

    "While we take every care in the making of this product, nuts may have been present in the facilities where this product was made. Be aware that this product may contain trace amounts of nuts or nut material."

    You've been informed and warned. Nuts were present in the processing of the nuts and thus the bag may contain nuts.
  33. Hsing Moderator

    Well, I think it was Garner or some other Boardanian who pointed out that, botanically, peanuts aren't nuts and maybe, label-wise, aren't treated as such. I do know two people who are, consequently, allergic against nuts but not against peanuts.
  34. Mikor New Member

    On a cup my dad got me from america:

    "Do not wash with poisonous chemicals"

    It had a whole instruction booklet on how to use/not use it
  35. Nester New Member

    [quote:63e9e2018f="Rincewind"]I just don't *use* the iron. I'm hobo chic, Baby.

    Also my friend was living with his girlfriend and she cheated/ dumped him so he had to move out. So he peed in the water bit of the iron.


    I just have to say that rocks all that culd be rocked. Your friend is now one of my heroes. :)
  36. Angua_rox New Member

    [quote:ba22d0baa5]Also my friend was living with his girlfriend and she cheated/ dumped him so he had to move out. So he peed in the water bit of the iron.


    Ewww. #shudders#

    That is [i:ba22d0baa5]really[/i:ba22d0baa5] minging.
  37. Dane New Member

    ooh this one is great. my dad just bought some new swimming shorts, he removed a plastic label that said:

    [quote:4bf0f3e8ae]in the interest of hygiene, please do not remove underwear when trying on garment. when satisfied with fit, protective polythene can then be removed.[/quote:4bf0f3e8ae]

    :shock: :lol: :lol: :badgrin:
  38. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:ef15bbfb1a="Dane"]ooh this one is great. my dad just bought some new swimming shorts, he removed a plastic label that said:

    [quote:ef15bbfb1a]in the interest of hygiene, please do not remove underwear when trying on garment. when satisfied with fit, protective polythene can then be removed.[/quote:ef15bbfb1a]

    :shock: :lol: :lol: :badgrin:[/quote:ef15bbfb1a]
    Well that's not that stupid, I can remember when I was young, my mother gave me a new swimsuit and hadn't removed the plastic thingy, and without checking I put it on and told her after about 5 minutes that it was ok, but a bit scratchy "down there" (I must have been about 10 at the time)

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