
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by KaptenKaries, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. KaptenKaries New Member

    Today's the traditional day to pay extra attention to your romance. Love letters from secret admirors, anonomous bouquets and boxes of chocolate gets sent all over the world. Personally, I sent a bunch of roses to someone I care for. Call me cliché.

    What are you doing for valentines?

    Have a great day all you lovebirds out there!
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    KaptenKliché ?

    Well, finances and health are both under the weather this year and we're both rushing around working, so we're not doing anything much this year, Reg has been forbidden from buying flowers or anything like that, he would if I didn't tell him not to, so I've acknowledged the intention and the thought, but no spending money...

    Have a great day everyone, even those who don't yet have that special someone yet, or who are far from the one they love ;)
  3. redneck New Member

    I really do hate this day.
  4. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Poor old Charlie Brown- I mean Nate!

    My valentine got a Guide to the Dark Side, because it was only £4. Otherwise, we have the same issue that money's too tight for card holidays. We have our third wedding anniversary at the end of this May, we'll celebrate then.
  5. KaptenKaries New Member

    It would be either CaptainCliché or KaptenKlyscha. :-D

    I'm sorry to hear there are a lot of you out there on tight budgets, but remember that there are lots of ways to show your love that doesn't require money to be spent!
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Technically, that would be CapitaineCliché ;)

    And yeah, free love is the best there is :D
  7. Angua_rox New Member

    I sent Valentines texts, and beboed people.
    How very romantic (and cheap) of me :S
  8. Tephlon Active Member

    I'm cooking and I got her a small gift.
    And Flowers. But flowers she likes, not just roses.
  9. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I'm going to crawl under my house and see if I can't figure out a way to get my waterpipes thawed out so I can get my clothes and my self washed before I have to go back to work Saturday, if I make it out alive I might go into town and buy myself some chocolate, maybe even actually go out but I probably will be waiting on that until I get myself washed :oops:
  10. spiky Bar Wench

    I got to cook dinner and stay home and watch tele. Oh how exciting. If only everyday was Valentine's Day :roll:
  11. Nester New Member

    I'm hitting a Valenine's party a friend of mine is throwing. (big surprise)

    And to all the people who send out happy holiday text messages, please have a heart. I appreciate your well wishes but they're not so important that you have to send them at six in the morning.
  12. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Feh. Valentine's Day is just a holiday concocted by the greeting card, chocolate, florist, and sleeping pill industries to swell their profits. Ba will not fall for their materialistic ploy to capitalize on the emotions of others. He's far too intelligent for that sort of simplistic marketing tactic. Besides, he has better things to do on a Wednesday, like re-organizing his pie tins.

    ...So lonely...
  13. Andalusian New Member

    I worked on Valentine's Day. It's amazing how fast pink heart-shaped lamingtons sell out.

    Also, amazing how many schoolgirls had huge boxes of flowers delivered to them in the middle of class.
  14. Pepster New Member

    I spoilt her:)

    Longstem "aqua" roses (it is very useful to know a hydroponic rose wholesaler), choclates and a gold necklace with a "blue" opal set in the pendant.
  15. Delphine New Member

    We were going to ignore valentines day, because we've got more important occasions in Feb as well, such as both our birthdays, and our (non marriage) anniversary.

    But I got a few things anyway :) Like a multicoloured rose! It is the punk of the rose world. I love it.

    I made him something nice and personal. (The Blue Peter guide to making a flamethrower out of post-it notes and hairspray was surprisingly comprehensive.) ;)
  16. Hsing Moderator

    : puts on asbestos jumpsuit and hugs Ba:

    And that aside - my husband remembered at 23.00 that it was Valentines day - after eight hours on the train, that was excusable, though, I think. I thought it was nice enough that he returned home so early in the week!
  17. Mynona Member

    I got a rose and a rather stern reprimand that I could bring my gift to him friday.

    I got the flowers by carrier since he worked evening/night shift.
  18. Faerie New Member

    I got a Smencil (a pencil that smells) made of recycled newspaper that smells of grapes from my mom. Which really means it smells of medicine. Childhood medicines have ruined most things grape or cherry flavored.
  19. Dane New Member

    Don't forgt the rohipnol )No idea how thats spelt( industry.

    I got her a big box of chocolates from a huge chocolatier near me as well as a super romantic book called "smally the mouse (and friends that don't like him) in: Smallys big party" fortunately she loved it.

    she got me a little fondu )again SP?( set, made a huge collage of pictures of me and her which is one of my favourite preasents ever and a little keyring with pictures of me and her in. I think the only thing to beat the collage is the presant i got from her last valentiens, a plush Emu doll :D*

    Emu is my nickname for her, she's taller than me and has a long neck.

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