Victim's belated birthday thread

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by missy, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. missy New Member

    Well yesterday (02/07) was my fellas birthday.

    35 years young!

    I would have been on sooner but we had stuff to do, you know, family coming for tea and the odd bit of birthday nooky (the best sort) before they arrived.

    He had cash from family so as to get a new camera and tripod. Hopefully an upgrade on the present one (which isn't in a bad way but birthdays are for what you want not what you need and thats what he wanted) a couple of Titchmarsh gardening books, some smellies and some nice cards.

    Today has been one of the best days yet for me as i got to see him smile and laugh alot.

    I wish all his years can be happier than the last one and he can laugh through all of them, with me to see it.

    Happy birthday Dave.

  2. spiky Bar Wench

    Happy birthday Dave!

    May you smile more and be short less.
  3. redneck New Member

    Happy Birthday, Dave.

    Glad to hear your birthday was a good one. I'm just wondering why Spiky wants you shortsless. You may be getting a pretty nice after-party for your birthday from the way it sounds.
  4. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Happy birthday, Dave. sounds like a rather nice one, I hope this year is full of happiness for you and Missy, have a good one!
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Happy birthday Superdave, may all the coming ones be happier and happier as time goes by... (play it again, Sam)
  6. Hsing Moderator

    Happy Birthday, Dave!
  7. jaccairn New Member

    Belated Happy Birthday Dave. Sound like you had a great day.
  8. Maljonic Administrator

    Happy birthday. :smile:
  9. Tephlon Active Member

    Happy B-day Dave. 2 years difference... :)
  10. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Happy birthday, Dave! I'm glad you had a good day, and all the best for a good year!
  11. Roman_K New Member

    Happy birthday, Dave. :)
  12. chrisjordan New Member

    Happy birthday! Zord out, dood.
  13. Electric_Man Templar

    Many Happy Returns!

    ...or 'Enters', depends on your terminology.

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