
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by caffinated_geek, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. caffinated_geek New Member

    Hi, I already posted on the introductions board but didn't get much of a response. I was just wondering if anyone was going to wadfest this year. It'll be my first wadfest and I'm keen to chat with anyone who's going or could tell me what previous wadfests have been like.
  2. Hsing Moderator

    That's totally out of my reach... :(
    When it comes Wadfest and similar festivities, this communication suffers a little from the fact that its members live widespread around the globe. We'd enjoy a small report, once you've been there, but with this being more of a middle sized communities - which has its advantages - and people being scattered like that...
    Maybe someone else here is going, though!
    Or maybe someone can point you to someplace where a lot of people are gathered that will be going. I'm not checking on mayn other boards, so I can't really help you there.
  3. Orrdos God

    I can never again attend a signing or convention, for fear I'll be physically attacked by welsh people, or fucking red haired witches who stalk authors.

    Sad, really. Another of lifes little joys taken away
  4. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Hi caffinated, sorry you didn't get much of a reply on the introduction forum.

    Round here, we mainly tend to do our own little get-togethers, as various people who attend the official ones have threatened to kill some of us.
  5. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    One person. Not various.

    Anyway, I doubt many people from this community are close enough to be able to attend Wadfest, but we would definitely like to hear about it from you!
  6. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Is this something that should be shared for the general amusement of newer (And very nosey) members, or should it not be mentioned further for legal reasons:question:
  7. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I think sarcastic comments about old feuds probably do nothing to attract newbies and help them feel at home, so I'll just cut a long story short: over a year ago, we had a major argument (a kind of whole community schism) in which one member swore that if he ever met Garner or Doors in person again, he would try to kill them. Given his general emotional state, this could be taken fairly seriously. Even if he's calmed down since then, I don't think any of us would really want to meet up with him again. Which is a pity, since he used to be a friend.
  8. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Ah one of those. Ok, I've been on forums where that's happened.
  9. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    I've been on a number of forums where various generic threats get bandied about. The reason Doors and I tend to harp on about this one is that it came from a friend we'd met up with a number of times in meat space, so it wasn't just shouting down a lonely, empty hallway of cyber space.

    but yeah, probably best not to dwell on such things.
  10. Electric_Man Templar

    Pardon my ignorance, but what (or wad) is Wadfest anyway?
  11. Stercus Stercus New Member

  12. Electric_Man Templar


    My geek credentials take a harsh blow!
  13. caffinated_geek New Member

    Its a shame no ones going. I could only afford to go to one event this year and decided on wadfest because its cheaper than the jamboree.
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    sounds fun, unfortunately too late for me to even think about going, even if I had had the time and money to actually do so... maybe I'll make it to DWCon next year... I might hint hard at it being the perfect birthday present for my 30th... **cough**
  15. Roman_K New Member

    As do mine.
  16. missy New Member

    well i'm sorry and happy to say we are going to take this as the cheaper option. London in Oct is just going to cost too much. We have decided to go to Wadfest and see the delights. Rampton is not far for us to go and as it is only £30 (plus no one needed to take care of Charlie as he can come along too) this is the better option for our pennies.

    Sorry for having to miss you all in October (especially you Kat as i would have loved to whack you round the head with a soft and fluffy pillow, just once in real life) but i can't justify the cash on a one night stay when this is 2 nights for a 10th of the price!

    Wadfest here we come!
  17. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I have course I'm not a geek, therefore my credentials are in tip top form.
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Awwww... :sad: that sucks... But hey, have fun Wendy, make the most of it, 'cos when we finally make it over with our car, we are so gonna come round to your place and pillow your ass, babe !
  19. missy New Member

    If you are gonna pillow my ass hun, i won't need a pillow for you cos the rebound from it will knock you out.

    I really am sorry though. i would have loved to have met you. I'm sure you understand the cash dilemma though.
  20. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I'm sorry you won't be coming in October, but I hope you both have a great time at Wadfest!
  21. caffinated_geek New Member

    I'm not sure if I should try building a boat for the wadfest boat race. It could go horribly wrong.
  22. TamyraMcG Active Member

    But I'm sure that's the fun of building your own boat, If the folks at Wadfest are anything like the ones at the con I was at you'll have a great time. I'll have to settle for attending my company picnic, but if Rusty can come to that... I bet I have as much fun as you will :)
  23. spiky Bar Wench

    Well if anyone wants to plan wel and truly in advance and start saving their pennies now it looks like the second Australian DWcon will happen November 2008.

    Its about time some of you damn Europeans made the effort to come down under!

    Although I probably should add that I may be in the US at the time...
  24. AuntieM New Member

    I'm sorry to hear someone is not going to Wadfest because of threats. It seems they are hanging out with the wrong kind of DW fans.

    Wadfest is a great event and attracts fans from all over the world including USA and Australia.

    I've been to every one and can't fault it. I will be happy to send a report after the event if you like.

    I hope I will meet some of you there or perhaps at the Jamboree in August. I will be recruiting for the Bad Ass Scout troop and selling purple neckers and woggles (our troop colour) at £2.50 the set. Look out for me in one of the gazebos. With a bit of luck our troop flag should be flying over it. (A scorpion).
  25. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    You know, the depths of discworld fandom never cease to amaze me, and in cases like this, actually impress me.
  26. TamyraMcG Active Member

    The Assassin's Guild had a partyroom at CONvergence. Discworld is everywhere.
  27. Stercus Stercus New Member

    I've just ripped this from Discworld Monthly.

    Just in case anyone that's going, doesn't yet know and want's to play.

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