We're now speaking in... um... something.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Mynona, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. Mynona Member

    Remember when we did the 'what piece of text have we translated into obscurity? competition on the old boards?

    This has nothing to do with that.

    Rather, I ran across a Japanese website that had 'self-translation' and found this marvolous piece of... um... yeah, something.

    "[kein] part of the guest original ocean value it is we received cheaply.
    The conspirators it is different from the bruise, but
    This and it is funny what riding!
    While recording, it was to do staff all laughter.

    So this time the staff and cheaply the origin and the chestnut it is put out it is the case that in the drinking."

    Does anybody know what they are ment to say? I certainly don't.
  2. Roman_K New Member

    Neither do I. There *seems* to be some kind of joke implied...
  3. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Implied joke or not, it's funny! Haven't a clue, Myn, sorry.
  4. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Sounds like someone got sloshed at a christmas party....hilarity ensued.
  5. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Hey, I recognize that text from years ago. It simply means press button A to select channel, place cassette in slot marked B and press button C to start recording your favourite TV show. Or am I the only person who bought a Betamax video in the 70's? :roll:
  6. umm.. 70's? lol i wasn't even born :p i had to look up what a betamax thingy was lol

    bet i made a couple of people feel rreeeaaallyy old now hehe
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    I'm sure we'll get over it...

    Stupid and useless peice of trivia about betamax:

    It was the first product to promote itself as Y2K ready... which is ironic on two fronts.
  8. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    [quote:46ffe6bee4="warning_i_have_a_blanket"]umm.. 70's? lol i wasn't even born :p i had to look up what a betamax thingy was lol

    bet i made a couple of people feel rreeeaaallyy old now hehe[/quote:46ffe6bee4]

    Thanks for that comforting thought :)
    Good job I didn't mention my HMV combined wireless and record player I got in the 50's. (Just to say time, it was an early type of radio/CD player) ;)
  9. i think my dad's got one of them somewhere... maybe in the loft. :badgrin:
  10. RebelwithoutaPause New Member

    Betamax was actually superior in quality to VHS as well but was marketted less succefully and so never took off.
    A few years later I recall they brought out Laser Discs as well , kinda like a CD but 12" like an album.

    I dont let myself feel old when people talk about things like this I look on the positive side and think about how experienced in life I am.....well thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
  11. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I read some where ( maybe even here) that Betamax lost out do to the fact that the porn industry mostly used VHS. :oops:

    Jon had a betamax when we first married. He is a sucker for obsolete technology. He just got these two foot tall speakers that he wants to hook up to his stereo system that incudes a BIC turntable, a Pioneer 8-track player/recorder,and a reciever that has vaccumn tubes.
  12. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    [quote:47d97db777="RebelwithoutaPause"]...A few years later I recall they brought out Laser Discs as well , kinda like a CD but 12" like an album..[/quote:47d97db777]

    Good job those massive things never really caught on. Can you imagine putting wheels on your laptop and driving it to work? :)

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