What computer games are you playing/waiting for

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by peapod_j, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. peapod_j New Member

    I am Playing a Disney/Square Enix team up game at the moment called Kingdom Hearts wich I am totaly adicted to. I am now waiting for the new Kingdom Hearts game called Kingdom Hearts 2.

    Im just wondering if any body else is playing any good games at the moment.
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    I have Quake 4 on PC but I don't play it much because I'm too busy.
  3. scif1girl New Member

    I'm currently playing Dragon Quest, and I'm also waiting for kh2. Dragon Quest is excellent and long in the traditional rpg way, but I think I'll have to go cold turkey on the gaming for awhile before kh2 comes out because I'm almost done beating it.
  4. KaptenKaries New Member

    Been addicted to World of Warcraft for some time.
  5. Sir_Vaims New Member

    I am a traditional type of guy as far as PC games are involved-i would play Starcraft,Diablo,Warcraft or CS. Would like to get addicted to World of Warcraft but i can't find a free server
  6. sampanna New Member

    [quote:e7187d31e2="Sir_Vaims"]I am a traditional type of guy as far as PC games are involved-i would play Starcraft,Diablo,Warcraft or CS. Would like to get addicted to World of Warcraft but i can't find a free server[/quote:e7187d31e2]
    I don't think there can be a free WOW server.
  7. Roman_K New Member

    [quote:062ffe6151="sampanna"][quote:062ffe6151="Sir_Vaims"]I am a traditional type of guy as far as PC games are involved-i would play Starcraft,Diablo,Warcraft or CS. Would like to get addicted to World of Warcraft but i can't find a free server[/quote:062ffe6151]
    I don't think there can be a free WOW server.[/quote:062ffe6151]

    At least not a legal one. There have been some attempts to create a few, I seem to recall.

    I'm currently busy trying to achieve 100% completion in GTA San Andreas in the free time that I have. Before that, I was busy playing F.E.A.R. Good game, with an exceptional setting, graphical engine, and sound effects, but a not as long a game as I hoped it would be.
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Mini Jong.

    **gets stoned with various projectiles for being so lame**
  9. peapod_j New Member

    i am checking every day on play.com on the realse date for KH2 and scif1girl have you been on KH2.co.uk? its good for courent news on realse dates and i will also have to go cold terky on games for a wile before i play KH2 i alsos go cold turky before i play new games.
  10. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:9cb04866e0="Katcal"]Mini Jong.

    **gets stoned with various projectiles for being so lame**[/quote:9cb04866e0]

    Don't worry I'm addicted to 4 suit spider solitaire... I can play it for hours at work. I feel so ashamed :cry:
  11. Hsing Moderator

    Waiting for Baldur's Gate III. In vain. For years. But still.
  12. TheJackal Member

    Any chance of getting new stuff to play in our Games section?
    Some of the ones we have are great for wasting away spare time, but I feel we need new ones to freshen it up a bit. Anyone agree/disagree?
  13. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Spiky, I find myself playing 4 suit Spider way too much myself, my mom and sister cheat (imho) by playing 1 suit Spider, but I don't have that version. I kind of wish I hadn't been reminded of that just now as I have to make an Aaron run and now I'm going to be thinking about that dangblasted game :badgrin:
  14. scif1girl New Member

    [quote:4aa4b8768f="peapod_j"]i am checking every day on play.com on the realse date for KH2 and scif1girl have you been on KH2.co.uk? its good for courent news on realse dates and i will also have to go cold terky on games for a wile before i play KH2 i alsos go cold turky before i play new games.[/quote:4aa4b8768f]

    Nope I've been using khinsider, but I have heard of KH2.co.uk.
  15. Dane New Member

    just got killzone, amazing game. Levels are a bit short but the graphics are pretty damn amazing. Got project snowblind at the same time, thats another brilliant game although the graphics aren't quite as good as kill zone.

    Been playing Tekken 5 and Soul Caliber 3 for a wile aswell, more damn sweet games.

    I dont think there are any particular games that I'm looking forward to, I'll just take whatever comes my way.

    (and for the record I'm also addicted to four suit spider solitare. I'm I've recently become addicted to mine sweeper aswell)
  16. Hsing Moderator

    Hmph... I've been plaing this online game the last days...

    They've got multiple languages, I don't know about the quality of their English version though. You've got to help cuddly toys in a psychiatry.
  17. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I've been playing Pro Evo 4 on the X-box it's a great game, but I can't bloody cross the ball.
  18. peapod_j New Member

    i have just realised tht KH also stands for Kelso High which is the name of my school hee hee hee :eek:
  19. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:c8dcbb6092="Rincewind"]I've been playing Pro Evo 4 on the X-box it's a great game, but I can't bloody cross the ball.[/quote:c8dcbb6092]

    I'm good at crossing but my heading is poor. On Pro Evo 3, I was a god at crossing and heading, used to piss-off my housemates endlessly by scoring that way.
  20. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I think I'm the same, I can cross it in but never can head the bastard. I'm a good passer though. I good with spain too.
  21. Sir_Vaims New Member

    I am getting hooked to NFSMW because i am fond ot the NFS series.I can remember the time when i was playing NFS II
  22. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I just won a game of 4 suit Spider solitaire, :D my 10th. Unfortunately I have played a total of 4923 games, so statistically I still haven't won. :(
  23. spiky Bar Wench

    Even though I'm hungry and need to go cook dinner... I amy now go see if I can beat that record...
  24. drunkymonkey New Member

    I'm playing WoW. I can't get enough of it. It's so atmospheric.

    I'm also playing a bit of The Movies and Fable. And Call of Duty 2, when I can be bothered.
  25. Mynona Member

    I was gifted with Guild Wars at Christmas and I've been playing it on and off since then. Mostly off since there seems to be something wrong with mum's computer.

    GW has a storyline, updates regularly and you don't have to pay a monthly fee to play. WAY better than WoW :p
  26. Maljonic Administrator

    I'm still playing Quake 4, which has suddenly turned really gruesome - well a lot more gruesome than it was.

    I got captured like you do in FPS games like Half Life etc sometimes so I was kind just sitting back, thinking I'd be rescued or I'd escape etc, while being trundled along a conveyor belt restrained on a kind of metal bed.

    I've seen it all before in these games, the guy in front on a similar bed gets stabbed in the head with a huge needle that sucks some of his brains out - something that obviously can't happen to me because the game would have to end, yawn. So I'm quite surprised when my bed trundles along, swivels into position and the needle sucks my brains out.

    Of course it a sci fi game so I can still be rescued and have my brain restored, I'm thinking as another machine slashes my abdomen open to implant some device or other.... Anyway the guy in front starts screaming when this circular saw comes out and chops both his legs off, obviously this is the bit where my squad blows a hole in the wall and stops the machine - but no! Both bloody legs chopped off for crying out loud, which I did, and trundling along the belt with two red, dripping stumps where my legs should be.

    The machines attach robot legs and implant something in my head so I can understand their gibberish, this is where I get rescued by my squad and they say I'm not fully turned yet. Now if this was real I'd give them such a robot kicking! :)
  27. KaptenKaries New Member

    And this is where ye Captain gets nightmares tonight.
  28. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:4513b933d4="Maljonic"]I'm still playing Quake 4, which has suddenly turned really gruesome - well a lot more gruesome than it was.

    I got captured like you do in FPS games like Half Life etc sometimes so I was kind just sitting back, thinking I'd be rescued or I'd escape etc, while being trundled along a conveyor belt restrained on a kind of metal bed.

    I've seen it all before in these games, the guy in front on a similar bed gets stabbed in the head with a huge needle that sucks some of his brains out - something that obviously can't happen to me because the game would have to end, yawn. So I'm quite surprised when my bed trundles along, swivels into position and the needle sucks my brains out.

    Of course it a sci fi game so I can still be rescued and have my brain restored, I'm thinking as another machine slashes my abdomen open to implant some device or other.... Anyway the guy in front starts screaming when this circular saw comes out and chops both his legs off, obviously this is the bit where my squad blows a hole in the wall and stops the machine - but no! Both bloody legs chopped off for crying out loud, which I did, and trundling along the belt with two red, dripping stumps where my legs should be.

    The machines attach robot legs and implant something in my head so I can understand their gibberish, this is where I get rescued by my squad and they say I'm not fully turned yet. Now if this was real I'd give them such a robot kicking! :)[/quote:4513b933d4]

    I need to see that bit. It looks awesome. Quake 4 was silly fum, but it was also quite inventive at stuff. I mean, I don't know any other games where the squaddies actually mourned for their fallen comrades (in a non scripted fashion).

    [quote:4513b933d4="Mynona"]I was gifted with Guild Wars at Christmas and I've been playing it on and off since then. Mostly off since there seems to be something wrong with mum's computer.

    GW has a storyline, updates regularly and you don't have to pay a monthly fee to play. WAY better than WoW :p[/quote:4513b933d4]OMG take that back fiend!
    I used to play GW, but the storyline sucked. There was nu humour at all. I got the jungle part and just got bored. Fun while it lasted though.
  29. scif1girl New Member

    [quote:3fdae88e38="drunkymonkey"]I'm playing WoW. I can't get enough of it. It's so atmospheric.

    I'm also playing a bit of The Movies and Fable. And Call of Duty 2, when I can be bothered.[/quote:3fdae88e38]

    I hear that WoW is highly addictive, so be careful--it could suck away your hours AND your money. Though sometimes hour-sucking is a good thing.
  30. Mynona Member

    Actually it gets better... especially when you've managed to get Rurik killed a couple of times.
  31. peapod_j New Member

    i have just heard that KH2 is coming out in north america on the 28th march that is a month before it is due to bee relesed in the UK why does the uk alwas have to wait up to a month before we get american stuff? is so unfair :cry: :(
  32. scif1girl New Member

    [quote:836413d911="peapod_j"]i have just heard that KH2 is coming out in north america on the 28th march that is a month before it is due to bee relesed in the UK why does the uk alwas have to wait up to a month before we get american stuff? is so unfair :cry: :([/quote:836413d911]

    I have no idea; I can't see why it took over three months for it to come to America from Japan, either. Voiceacting really shouldn't take that long. But if they're fixing bugs the Japanese run into you can't complain.
  33. drunkymonkey New Member


    [quote:45d2fca5c5="Mynona"]I was gifted with Guild Wars at Christmas and I've been playing it on and off since then. Mostly off since there seems to be something wrong with mum's computer.

    GW has a storyline, updates regularly and you don't have to pay a monthly fee to play. WAY better than WoW :p[/quote:45d2fca5c5]

    OMG take that back fiend!
    I used to play GW, but the storyline sucked. There was nu humour at all. I got the jungle part and just got bored. Fun while it lasted though.[/quote:45d2fca5c5]

    Actually it gets better... especially when you've managed to get Rurik killed a couple of times.[/quote:45d2fca5c5]

    The way he died was so hilariously bad.
  34. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Reminds me of playing Jedi Knight 1, and spending hours laughing myself silly just making the main character walk around because he had such a silly bum-wiggling walk. :D
  35. Human New Member

    Wait, you made him walk so you could watch his bum? :shock:
  36. Hermia New Member

    All computer games are highly addictive to me. This is why I only play Sims 2. At least that way I only have to spend 24 hours a day playing. Admittedly, I also spend about 4 hours playing various Solitaire versions and Minesweeper, and sometimes Reversi. You know it's bad when you go to bed and the insides of your eyelids are covered in the game, and you can visualise your way through a whole round.

    But I don't think I'm yet as sad as the girl who supposedly killed herself playing WOW.
  37. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:9cbf42cab8="Human"]Wait, you made him walk so you could watch his bum? :shock:[/quote:9cbf42cab8]

    Well yeah, 'cos it was so hilariously ridiculous... a butch Jedi knight walking like a bimbo on high heels, just awesome !
  38. peapod_j New Member

    i hope it took 3 months for KH to go to america because of bugs and i hope that it is not ratled with them when it comes out in PAL verion. :)
  39. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:9db2062fbb="Hermia"]All computer games are highly addictive to me. This is why I only play Sims 2. At least that way I only have to spend 24 hours a day playing. Admittedly, I also spend about 4 hours playing various Solitaire versions and Minesweeper, and sometimes Reversi. You know it's bad when you go to bed and the insides of your eyelids are covered in the game, and you can visualise your way through a whole round.

    But I don't think I'm yet as sad as the girl who supposedly killed herself playing WOW.[/quote:9db2062fbb]People in Korea murder each other for swindling each other out of characters and stuff.
  40. Maljonic Administrator

    I bought Call of Duty 2 today, but I'm forcing myself to finish Quake 4 first before I even take the wrapper off.
  41. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    mal, send CoD2 back for a refund before you take the wrapper off. i've got a spare copy that I was going to send to roman, but i've decided not to because he's jewish.
  42. Roman_K New Member

    [quote:c364e62f12="Garner"]mal, send CoD2 back for a refund before you take the wrapper off. i've got a spare copy that I was going to send to roman, but i've decided not to because he's jewish.[/quote:c364e62f12]

  43. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:d3dcf7a5ff="Garner"]mal, send CoD2 back for a refund before you take the wrapper off. i've got a spare copy that I was going to send to roman, but i've decided not to because he's jewish.[/quote:d3dcf7a5ff]Oh, I've thrown the receipt away... and I don't think I can wait, I got the day off and I want to play it now! Thanks though. :)
  44. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    tsk. chalk one up for the jew then. the scoreboard stands at:

    Jew: 1 Goyim: 5,003,268
  45. Roman_K New Member

    [quote:0392e3658a="Garner"]tsk. chalk one up for the jew then. the scoreboard stands at:

    Jew: 1 Goyim: 5,003,268[/quote:0392e3658a]

    Both stand at a much higher score. Even if the scoreboard was reset 100 years ago. We've actually managed to learn that a gun has two sides, you know. Both a stock [i:0392e3658a]and[/i:0392e3658a] a barrel.
  46. peapod_j New Member

    [color=indigo:bd13a0e002]scif1girl i have just been on the KH2 website. it is saying that a magazene is saying KH2 is coming out in [u:bd13a0e002]October[/u:bd13a0e002] but play.com is STILL saying 28 april 2006 so i dont know lets hope it is the 28th April 2006 and not October.[/color:bd13a0e002]
  47. Katcal I Aten't French !

  48. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    that's the first time i've ever felt that my own collection was inadequate
  49. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    incidentally... less than a week to go until the release of Oblivion!

    i've built a new computer specificly with that game in mind and i've booked time off work to have a 5 day gaming weekend. woo.
  50. Maljonic Administrator

    I am currently addicted to Battlefield 2.
  51. drunkymonkey New Member

    I want Oblivion, now.
  52. Hsing Moderator

    [quote:cbc4c3cbe7="Katcal"]Guys... forget it, you are all too lame for words...

    This is serious gaming...[/quote:cbc4c3cbe7]

    This kind of scares me. :shock: I mean, he must be a professional Ebayer or something like that, no? If he doesn't own a shop or something.
    Otherwise, that looks like a serious addiction to me.

    And I thought I had it bad with a husband addicted to "Football Manager"...
  53. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, it could be worse, he could BE a football manager...
  54. shadowgirl New Member

    i am so looking forward to Resident Evil 5, but seeing as how the ps3 is being held back for another while, it could be a long wait.
  55. The_Poker New Member

    The only computer games I regularly play are The Sims 2 and the Age Of Empires series (all three AOE games as well as Age Of Mythology). I sometimes play the odd football game here and there...Liverpool do much better with me than they ever do in real life. Not really looking forward to anything at the moment. Except maybe for that Spore game that'll be coming out in the near future. ( http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8372603330420559198 )
  56. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:5487729050="peapod_j"][color=indigo:5487729050]scif1girl i have just been on the KH2 website. it is saying that a magazene is saying KH2 is coming out in [u:5487729050]October[/u:5487729050] but play.com is STILL saying 28 april 2006 so i dont know lets hope it is the 28th April 2006 and not October.[/color:5487729050][/quote:5487729050]All the trailers I've seen point towards the game being excellent. But it's already got a few reviews, and you see the average here.
  57. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:b545c0d642="drunkymonkey"]I want Oblivion, now.[/quote:b545c0d642]

    A few of my friends have already bought it and are slightly pissed off by the fact that you can't record the keyboard setup and stuff and have to set it up again every time or mess around with .ini files to get the thing optimized and stuff... pity about that... otherwise, it sounds good...
  58. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:4d506be4bf="Katcal"][quote:4d506be4bf="drunkymonkey"]I want Oblivion, now.[/quote:4d506be4bf]

    A few of my friends have already bought it and are slightly pissed off by the fact that you can't record the keyboard setup and stuff and have to set it up again every time or mess around with .ini files to get the thing optimized and stuff... pity about that... otherwise, it sounds good...[/quote:4d506be4bf]I think a patch may fix that.

    It looks good too. :lol:
  59. peapod_j New Member

    well no realse date for kingdom hearts 2 in Europe yet even though the usa got it on the 28th march. so how long does it take for a game to be converted in to pal?
  60. Human New Member

    One of my friends has gotten master form already. He needs to slow down. Damn idiot doesn't know when to STOP PLAYING and STOP GIVING AWAY SPOILERS! I'm only on the fourth world, and I already know the story for the next twelve levels.

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