World Wide Web

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Saccharissa, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. Saccharissa Stitcher

    That's what www is supposed to stand for


    Today I had the epiphany that it stands for Wackier than a Wombat on Wasabi.

    What are your suggestions?
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    Worrying Wont Work. :)
  3. Electric_Man Templar

    I thought it was:

    Willy Wonka's Wonderland Writhing With Wackiness

    Only they thought 6 'w's was too much, so they halved it.
  4. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Wistful Watershed Wastrels.
  5. Maljonic Administrator

    World Wide Waiting (especially if on a dial up modem)
  6. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Winterised Witchetty Witenagemot.
  7. Roman_K New Member

    Wishing Won't Work. (read Mal's one above to get it)
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wincewind Was a Weasel (before he got a beard, now he's a stoat... :D )
  9. spiky Bar Wench

    Wasting Worthwile Worktime

    Well its means that for me...
  10. Pixel New Member

    Wonderful World of What-was-I-originally-looking-for-before-I-got-sidetracked-by-an-interesting-but-irrelevant-reference?
  11. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:27eb0259e7="Pixel"]Wonderful World of What-was-I-originally-looking-for-before-I-got-sidetracked-by-an-interesting-but-irrelevant-reference?[/quote:27eb0259e7]
    You know... I think that might just be terribly accurate ! :D
  12. fairyliquid New Member

    Working With Wombats

    or perhaps more accurate

    Why? Why? Why?
  13. Delphine New Member

    Damn you Fairyliquid, I was going to say "What? Where? Who?"
  14. sleepy_sarge New Member

    To sum up the content of the web

    Wisdom, Waffle and W@nk

    (in ascending order of magnitude)
  15. Rincewind Number One Doorman

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