Would this guy make a good Doorman?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by redneck, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. redneck New Member

    I think that this guy could join the ranks of Nester, Spoonman, and Badgerboy. You'll probably need broadband or a couple of hours. :)

    Do you think he has what it takes?[/url]
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    Hardship (I think that's what it says, associated with drinking or something) ... Looks a bit like someone's wobbling the ground and making it difficult to stand, I bet he thinks that's what's happening too. :)
  3. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    christ... i dunno, i find that watching someone in such a state is a bit too much reveling in their shame...

    there but for the grace of god go we ourselves, as it were.
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    I'm not sure about that, many of us tend to associate being hopelessly drunk with shame but for all we know he might not give a shit. He might think it's hilarious.
  5. redneck New Member

    I've never been that drunk. Being as small as I am I start to get that drunk then look for a place to sleep. And even when I have been extremely drunk, I'm too worried about dying or hoping I will to worry about what someone else thinking of me.
  6. mowgli New Member

    yowza :(

    Maljonic, what language is the title in?
  7. Maljonic Administrator

    I'm not sure exactly but it's similar to Serbian, Serbo-Croation.
  8. colonesque10 New Member


    I'm pretty sure i've never been that drunk before. The bit where he had to move his legs with his arms because he couldn't move them naturally was funny, reminds me of Rinso trying to walk when sober. :)
  9. Hsing Moderator

    [quote:dfc0196a20="Maljonic"] He might think it's hilarious.[/quote:dfc0196a20]

    But only as long as he was in that state, I suppose... :?
  10. Dane New Member

    I like the way everyone politely walks around him, and no one looks at him.
  11. Nester New Member

    I would and have laughed at myself after one of those nights. There's actually video floating around out there somewhere of me and a friend of mine being absolutely hammered and being talked into trying to play "Dance Dance Revolution" It became more of a "Help, Where are my legs and what's all that noise? Revolution"

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