Because Rinso misses flamewars... (Valid Flamewar Thread)

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. missy New Member

    (ooc: his dinner was actually very nice and he did get to eat it)

    I agree with the above, if you are going to insult us lower life forms, do it so we know what you are saying, posh bird!
  2. Victimov8 New Member

    Who are you calling Lower Life Forms? Some of us can understand the odd bit of latin!
  3. missy New Member

    Only cos you are old enough to be alive in those days when Latin was the primary language.
  4. Victimov8 New Member

    I doubt that I am much older than you, although you do spell like an 8-year old... That would explain many things... Let your daddy have his computer back kiddo - Does he know that you are trying to interact with the grown-ups?
  5. missy New Member

    Call yourself a grown up? If you wern't twice my age i would show you a thing or two GRANDPA.

    I come from a different decade to you, and i had friends and had fun while i was at school.

    I think i will call you Billy from now on, as in Billy no mates. I thought i should explain that as i understand the old grey cells arn't what they used to be. In fact i bet you have more Grey on your head than in it!
  6. Victimov8 New Member

    No - I don't call myself a grown-up - When you reach the end of puberty you may realise that it isn't actually necessary to define yourself in that way.

    As for the Billy comment - I am glad that you did explain it, as it is just a puerile insult, which I would have had a problem understanding without...

    I guess the soaps have all finished now - Surely it is nearly your bedtime?
  7. missy New Member

    No need to guess as i'm sure you were not here at the same time i was off cooking and the like. Did you enjoy Eastenders? Please turn the volume down from Nearly Deaf to just Old next time though as that drum beat scared the neighbours.

    I'm also concerned with your not understanding the Billy comment, would you like me to type in capitals so you can see what i am typing. Perhaps your bi-focals need cleaning.

    Oh well, I'm sure the home help will be round for you soon to tuck you in.

    Have you had your cup of Cocoa or are you frightened of sleeping in the damp?
  8. spiky Bar Wench

    Whats going on with you two? Go fornicate. It'll make you feel better I've heard.

    This is not the place to be encouraging lower life forms. We are better than that and should act that way!
  9. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Are you kidding? Like I said, there's not enough flaming going on round here! What's wrong with you namby-pamby people?
  10. KaptenKaries New Member


    Out-of-flame-question: Do I have to decide on one of those flame war characters to participate in the flaming?
  11. missy New Member

    Out of War answer.....Garner has been handing out our personas. I have been flaming you thinking you are playing. Apologies if i upset you hun.
  12. Angua_rox New Member

    May I enter late? Please?
  13. KaptenKaries New Member

    Officially have a persona now. Flame away.
  14. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    its best, at this point, if folks PM me to ask for a persona as I'm not likely to check this thread too closely if i'm busy, but i'll notice if I have any PM's. catching me on AIM or MSN is even more likely to yield success.

    and as i've said before: anyone who replies to a designated flame war thread should be considered a valid target within those flame war threads.
  15. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    K... looks like the flame war is dying down a bit... shall we declare it over?
  16. Electric_Man Templar

    I acquiesce with that propositio.
  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Huh ? flamewar ? what flamewar ? **rubs sleepy eyes**

    I say it's Grace's fault the whole thing died down...
  18. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    MY fault? :shock:
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, yes, obviously. You can't just blame everything on Doors, lady... :cooler:
  20. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I don't think I've ever blamed anything on Doors except for the phenomenal untimeliness of Tripod updates.
  21. Ba Lord of the Pies


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