Boardanian Mascot Deathmatch!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Bunny vs. Bob, who shall triumph?

    Bunny has made remarkable gains in his quest for world domination. He's been breeding like... well... like rabbits as he takes one message board after the next, and even a few emails!

    But... Bunny is the challenger, for Bob has been around for a long time. Unhappy Bob predates the World Wide Web, and is himself a graphical depiction of a human emotion that predates human history. Can a Bunny composed of slashes, strokes, and parenthetical brackets hope to compete with the depression that is Bob?

    Who can decide? ... YOU CAN!

    [i:bb0a3efd7d]NOTE: Deathmatch results are utterly unofficial and shall no way be a deciding factor in any possible or future 'Official Boardanian Mascot', unless of course Bunny wins.[/i:bb0a3efd7d]
  2. Cynical_Youth New Member

    I vote Bunny, sorry Bob.
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    Bob for me, can see the T-shirts already. :)
  4. sleepy_sarge New Member

    Bob for me too....but only because the compromise candidate (copyright Fudgecake) wasn't allowed - yes of course.....

    (\ /)
    (> <) Bob Bunny.
  5. hermes New Member

    Bunny for me. Bob is secretly planning to depress us all!
  6. sampanna New Member

    Bob, clearly. He can be mean too on occasion! :evil:
  7. Mynona Member

    Bunny, of course bunny
  8. fairyliquid New Member

    bob, he's part of this board now. How many other boards have a thread with about 6 pages dedicated to an emotion.

    edit: i meant board not thread...we all make mistakes. Right? right? :?
  9. Electric_Man Templar


  10. spiky Bar Wench

    I said Bob because I'm a vacuous and shallow person who merely follows the crowd...and Bob is so [i:fd7b7ba2f7]it[/i:fd7b7ba2f7] at the moment, he's hot.

    If bunny was to make a resurgance in his career in board domination I'm sure I can be convinced that my consumer dollar can be spent somewhere else though...
  11. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Every no vote is a posion arrow in his little, tear ridden heart.


    Poor, Poor Bob.
  12. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Although Bob holds a special place in my heart, I think the idea of our community being represented by someone so unhappy is very bad marketing! So Bunny it is.

    I'm sorry Bob. Poor, poor Bob... shunned again...
  13. fairyliquid New Member

    Buzzfloyd: :shock: another reason for bob to be so...bobish.
    Dont blame us when bob admits he is depressed, admiting it is half the battle!

    edit:add stuff
  14. fudgecake New Member

    [quote:5b3f137fc4="sleepy_sarge"]Bob for me too....but only because the compromise candidate (copyright Fudgecake) wasn't allowed - yes of course.....

    (\ /)
    (> <) Bob Bunny.[/quote:5b3f137fc4]

    Yayy!!! :lol:

    I vote Bob, simply because Bunny is set on world domination and I think he could go far. Bob might prefer to take over just one forum. ;)
  15. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    :([size=9:fda8b2fb01]But Grace... I thought you liked me. You put me on your t-shirt and everything. I thought you where my friend, and I even made you a cheesecake. But now, I see you really hate me. The cheescake is meanless to be now. It's soured like the milk of are friendship[/size:fda8b2fb01]

    Well done grace!

    Poor Little bob.
  16. drunkymonkey New Member

    Bob, because he looks like he could do with some cheering up.
  17. colonesque10 New Member

    It has to be Bob for me because I feel that bunny has got far too big for his own boots and doesn't really care about the results of this vote anyway. In fact he's probably a junkie now with a large collection of field mouse porn. :)
  18. Hermia New Member

    This was a very, very, difficult decision for me. It took me a while to figure out who Bob was, and having figured it out, I thought that an unhappy mascot is hardly ideal. But then, the fact that I have heard of Bunny, even before I joined this board, shows that he is indeed working his way to world domination, and probably doesn't need any help with his ego. Maybe we could one day have Happy Bob? Or at least, Bob-In-Therapy?
  19. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Bunny will become the new unhappy bob if Bunny does not win!
  20. Hermia New Member

    Oh no! Then Happy Bob will feel guilty, and revert back to his unhappy self, and everyone shall perish! What have we done? Quick, people, vote for Bunny!
  21. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Whats both lovable and amarable with Bob is now he fights his unhappyness.

    Look at his face: :(

    See how he bravely holds back the tears.

    He's a little fighter!
  22. Electric_Man Templar

    OK Rinso, you've convinced me, Bunny it is!
  23. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Hurray for Bunny! Hurray for Ben! (Actually, Bunny plans to eat Carrot of Doom at some point in the future, but he might change his mind now that Ben's voted for him)
  24. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Poor Poor Bob.

  25. sleepy_sarge New Member

    :( please don't send me back to that cupboard. I know what happens in there... :butthead:
  26. colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:04e93c3d59="sleepy_sarge"]:( please don't send me back to that cupboard. I know what happens in there... :butthead:[/quote:04e93c3d59]

    LOL. It looks like unhappy Bob was far to forthcoming. He showed no struggle wehn George asked him if he could take his coat. :D
  27. Hex New Member

    Bob deserves it.

    Look at him :( He's in need of serious cheering up!

    Being a mascot will make him look more like Tim --> :eek:
  28. fudgecake New Member

    [quote:847152733d="Hex"]Being a mascot will make him look more like Tim --> :eek:[/quote:847152733d]

    But then he won't be our little unhappy Bob! That would make ME look like this - :(
  29. Perdita New Member

    I'm going sailing this weekend.

    Therefore, in the spirit of things I vote for [b:8fb4477aca][size=12:8fb4477aca]mutiny[/size:8fb4477aca][/b:8fb4477aca].

    Yes, that's right a one woman insurrection against both these land lubbers.

    I'm going to vote for:


    This weird laughing bloke looks the part to join me in insurrection and steal the mascot crown.

    YARR me heartie....
  30. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    That guy is clearly a pervert. (probably called Perverted Peter) Look at him leering at us.

    The sicko.
  31. Mooseman New Member

    I'm voting Bob! All he needs is a lil' TLC. Maybe not in the form of Rinso...

    [quote:ff7563c15d="Rincewind"]That guy is clearly a pervert. (probably called Perverted Peter) Look at him leering at us.

    The sicko.[/quote:ff7563c15d]

    I reckon hes the one that caused Bobs depression anyway. :x :p :badgrin: have always been plotting... its a gang fight.
  32. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    I like the sig, mooseman!
  33. Mooseman New Member

    Tar, *bows*

    Bob will triumph though
  34. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Poor Bob. Look how the bunny evilly stares at him!

    Hasn't he been through enough!



    How can you not love that face. So sad, poor poor Bob.
  35. sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:036678098f="Rincewind"]Poor Bob. Look how the bunny evilly stares at him!

    Hasn't he been through enough!



    How can you not love that face. So sad, poor poor Bob.[/quote:036678098f]

    :( Wascally wabbit
  36. drunkymonkey New Member

    Bob reminds me of mr. bean, nothing ever goes right for him.
  37. Delphine New Member

    Bob! It has to be bob. He needs support, people.

    Edit ~ an extra 'o' in 'bob' makes Bob even more unhappy. :(
  38. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Was it Bobo, Boob or Obob?
  39. sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:15ea51b088="Buzzfloyd"]Was it Bobo, Boob or Obob?[/quote:15ea51b088]

    Uncle Rincewind taught him to spell his own name, so we aren't too sure
  40. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    He learnt spell mane godo.

    Unhappy Bob notes you've removed him from your avatar, sleepy, do you have [i:402a8cd353]any[/i:402a8cd353] idea how that makes him feel?!
  41. sleepy_sarge New Member

    Nothing wrong with those tear filled eyes then......
  42. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba voted Bunny, because he hopes to make Bob more depressed.
  43. Orrdos God


    Should be Fred.

  44. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I voted for Bob beacuse I love Rinso, I don't wan't him or poor little Bob to be sad and cry, because if he cries, then I cry, then we all with cry and it will be just awful, but if Bob wins then Rinso will be very happy and get drunk to celebrate and chat with me drunk on MSN and I will laugh, I like to laugh at Rinso when he is drunk becasue he is funny.....[/long run on sentance]
  45. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Om rocks more that anyone in the world!
  46. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Guess who got my vote.
  47. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:f31a6a0f06="Rincewind"]Om rocks more that anyone in the world![/quote:f31a6a0f06]

    Yes, yes I do.
  48. QuothTheRaven New Member

    Bob is obviusly faking depresion to gain you sympathy. Then, when you least expect it, he will turn on you. At least bunny makes no pretensions about his ultimate goal.
  49. Kat_in_the_Hat New Member

    Bob is cool. He doesn't want world domination. He doesn't try to take over other avatars. He just wants to be happy. cats name is Bob. He's quite happy though.
  50. Andalusian New Member

    Bunny should clearly be the winner, despite common opinion. Bunnies are cute, and evil. Plus Bunny is an honorary Dark Lord of the Sith. :evil:

    And go Momiji!
  51. Toaf New Member

    [quote:bdf61ad52f="Andalusian"]Bunny should clearly be the winner, despite common opinion. Bunnies are cute, and evil. Plus Bunny is an honorary Dark Lord of the Sith. :evil: ![/quote:bdf61ad52f]

    Yeah, but look at little Bob... :(
    Can't you hear him calling out to you? [i:bdf61ad52f]Vote for me! Vote for meee![/i:bdf61ad52f] :(
  52. hermes New Member

    [quote:350f5c39f1="Kat_in_the_Hat"]He doesn't try to take over other avatars.[/quote:350f5c39f1]

    What about sleepy_sarge's avatar? :roll:

    I would boycott Bob, but I don't think I normally use him very often anyway ;)
  53. sleepy_sarge New Member

    What about sleepy_sarge's avatar? :roll:

    Actually that's a stand in - Bob was at home moping.
  54. hermes New Member

    Oh. Right. Bob's stand-ins are like Bunny's bunnies.

    [img:877ce90412][/img:877ce90412] (Testing)
  55. fudgecake New Member

    How about my lovely Rincewind style Bob?


    That's what I love about Bob - even in the midst of his depression he loves a bit of panto. :lol:
  56. sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:cfc6f05c5b="fudgecake"]How about my lovely Rincewind style Bob?


    That's what I love about Bob - even in the midst of his depression he loves a bit of panto. :lol:[/quote:cfc6f05c5b]

    Oh no he doesn't.......

    Great smiley!!
  57. fudgecake New Member

    Merci. :D

    EDIT: Ok, so maybe Bob doesn't love a bit of panto, but I love Bob doing a bit of panto! :lol:
  58. Mooseman New Member

    EDIT: Ok, so maybe Bob doesn't love a bit of panto, but I love Bob doing a bit of panto! :lol:[/quote:6004235b39]

    :x Making Bob do stuff!

    Hes had enough of people doin that...
  59. fudgecake New Member

    Too bad!! :badgrin: It's just too funny! Sorry Bob.
  60. Mooseman New Member

    You'll have Rinso on your back for the next 2 years now. :badgrin:
    Poor you.

    Maybe now there'll be an unhappy Fudgecake to keep Bob....happy? (Or at least unhappy)

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