Cheese wars...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. Katcal I Aten't French !

    These are young ones, they get smaller and darker and harder as time goes on... They are called "crottin" which means "droppings"... Yes, the French do love their food.
  2. mr_scrub New Member

    Aren't you goin to respond to my attack?
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Patience, kiddo, patience. War is not something that can be hurried.
  4. Joculator The 'Old' Fool


    A delegation heads towards the not French fort, pushing a large bowl of traditional, north-eastern boiled peas.
    It is known as 'Peace' pudding and has the following conditions engraved in its surface for digestion by the non French leader...

    We will agree to an indefinite cease-fire and potential end of hostilities if you comply with the following terms...

    1- Stop exporting LP's, CD's and other recording of Charles Aznovoice, sub-titled films (it spoils the view of the "actresses" :shock: ) and ALL accordion music.

    2 - Ban all exports of Beaujolais Noveau until it fully complies with the World Health Organization rulings.

    3 - Insist the French government supply prosthetic limbs to all those poor little froggy's they mutilate in their restaurants.

    We await your comments.
  5. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    And you a morris man, and all!

    Edit: fix code.
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hah, the rrrosbifs are surrendering !! Hwell, so be it, but we also shall have terms, in response to your feeble conditions !

    [i:1e0fd8c763]1. Jade Goody is yours. You will keep her and not let her or any other member of a Big Brother travel to France.

    2. You must stop right now eating only boiled beef, sausages made out of bread, jellied eels and glow-in-the-dark peas, as we all know that that is all you crazy people eat all year round.

    3. Rinso is not Irish, he's English. Learn to live with it and stop trying to export him.[/i:1e0fd8c763]

    As for terms 1 and 2 of yours, the answer is the same for both. No Frenchman with any self esteem (Duh !) would ever consume either of these, therefore something has to be done with the stock. If you're good, we will consider sending them to the USA who probably won't notice.
  7. mr_scrub New Member

    Cheese-Grater General calls off blue cheeses and hands in his resignation with disgust.
  8. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Morris man, yes. But we do have taste :D

    So... you think a flag of truce means we have surrendered and refuse to accept our generous conditions for your safety?

    -+- Storms back to own line in a huff -+-

    Since you will not agree to these terms, we will be forced to march on Paris.

    There we will break your Eiffel Tower and construct "thrill rides" at all our coastal towns and see your national pride rust away to the sound of free, laughing children. [IMG]

    School dinners will be replaced by extremely greasy "Full English Breakfasts"

    Garlic will be forbidden in any cooking (especially snails !)
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    YAYYYYY !!!

    **makes herself a bacon and sausage sarny and prepares a traditional ploughman's platter for later on.**

  10. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    These non French have no heart... everyone knows ploghmen are out of season until May...

    Ah well...

    -+- nails four goudas to a slab of cheddar, packs equipment and prepares to find Paris...-+-

    We will leave the cholesterol behind to do the job we intended. :D
  11. mr_scrub New Member

    Cheese-Grater General is back in action. Put your tin helmet back on
    Sir. Take that you cheesy Non-French! :butthead: :axe: :butthead: :axe:
  12. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

  13. KaptenKaries New Member

    oooooh hehehe
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Since when do rabbits have postboxes ? :D
  15. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    The Prosecution rests it's case....

  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Darn, foiled again.

  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

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