Hex's Summer-New-Experience Challenge!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hex, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. Electric_Man Templar

    On friday I slept in the middle of the Thames.

    I definitely haven't done that before.
  2. Angua_rox New Member


    How and why?

    Dare I ask?

    I went to my little sisters sports day.
  3. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Today I stole... I mean 'liberated' an operations board game from work.
  4. Electric_Man Templar


    How and why?

    Dare I ask?[/quote:af55289ffb]

    Just slept at a friends house, which is located on a little island type thing on the Thames in Marlow.
  5. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    What is this Mr and Mrs Beaver? Weasel boy?
  6. Hsing Moderator

  7. Angua_rox New Member

    Oh ok. That makes a suprising amount of sense.

    I tidied my room for the first time this year. . .

    And started a new game, called endless online. :)
  8. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:f67184409e="Rincewind"]What is this Mr and Mrs Beaver? Weasel boy?[/quote:f67184409e]

    Dam you! May you Lodge in hell.
  9. Hsing Moderator

    [quote:2f848813df="Garner"][quote:2f848813df="Hex"]I changed my mind about my new thing.

    My new thing is that I made my boyfriend cry when we talked today.
    And not in a good, tears-of-joy way.

    Yeah, pretty sure I suck right now.[/quote:2f848813df]

    Well, not commenting on the specifics of your situation, since i don't know em, but while making someone you love cry definately sucks major portions of ass, it doesn't mean YOU suck as a person.

    Usually in my case, its either a matter of lost temper or blatant selfishness and a calm and sincere apology goes a long way to redeeming myself for such unfortunate moments. the moments suck, but so long as i make up for them, i presume that *i* remain suck free.[/quote:2f848813df]

    That was a really cool answer.
    (Yes, it's a few days old, but I have two weeks to catch up, so.)

    My new thing?
    I think I'll try to make a bracelet for my niece. Do things like that count?
  10. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Today, I tried Heinz Macaroni and cheese in a tin ("now low fat !").

    It looks, smells and tastes (probably) like bird droppings in glue. I shall not try this thing again.
  11. roisindubh211 New Member

    I will go out to a bar with my friends and buy drinks. I have never gone out in the states, and, well, now I'm legal, so I can and therefore must. Also may get to see my friend the ex-marine singing Karaoke.
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yesterday I tried making an utter fool of myself. And a sri-lankan dish with fruit and stuff, delicious... I think I'd rather remember the second.

    On Saturday, I tried making my pastry myself for a choco-banana tart... hmmm !
  13. KaptenKaries New Member

    I defrosted my fridge, something I've never done before, last thursday. Practically doubled the volume in that little bugger.
  14. sampanna New Member

    [quote:8331f421cd="Katcal"]Yesterday I tried making an utter fool of myself. [/quote:8331f421cd]

    Thought this was the new thing I did thread :)
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:f773d980ad="sampanna"][quote:f773d980ad="Katcal"]Yesterday I tried making an utter fool of myself. [/quote:f773d980ad]

    Thought this was the new thing I did thread :)[/quote:f773d980ad]

    Thank you sam... Oh well, I suppose I did kind of go looking for that one, didn't I... :cooler:

    So : I made an utter fool of myself [b:f773d980ad]in a new and hopefully never to be repeated way[/b:f773d980ad].

    Happy ? ;)
  16. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Never. :)

    Oh wait! I mean :(
  17. randywine Member

    Did my first Munro (Ben Lomond) yesterday. :D

    Very, Very sore. :shock:

    The BBQ afterwards was pretty good though. ;)


    P.S. we have a hillwalking picture gallery -

    Which dosen't appear to be working at the moment - I'll post the URL when I fix it
  18. Dane New Member

    Yesterday I tried a fruit that I've never eaten before. It was called dragon fruit. It's supposed to be eaten like a kiwi fruit, the center is white with little black pips in it. It wasn't the most plesant of fruit I've ever tasted but hey, it was ok.
  19. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Over the weekend I went to a rock concert/festival for the first time. I saw Roger Waters on Saturday and the Who on Sunday, both for the first time. I also spent far too much time in intense sunlight without getting burnt at all, which was fairly novel. (Thanks, Avgi, for the suncream!)

    Today I taught a six-year-old Russian boy English for two hours, which was a first for me. I managed to teach him four words.
  20. Angua_rox New Member

    Today I worked at a summercamp with 30 screaming (well, not ALL the time) six-year-olds for four hours at the incredibly generous rate of . . . .2€ an hour! Then looked after a little slightly brattish boy for an hour.


    Poor poor me.
  21. Dane New Member

    Today I worked in accounts for my mum. It isn't the first time but its still fun. However the first is that i actually got paid for it! more interestingly I got paid in Euros :roll:
  22. fairyliquid New Member


    yesterday I went to a restautant I have never been to. Dull but it's all i can think of.

    The day before I got sunburnt. I have lived abroad in sunny places five years and i never have.

    Today I am going to this salvation army thrift store which i have never done before either.
  23. QuothTheRaven New Member

    I went to visit a bunch of universities that I would like to apply to.
  24. Nester New Member

    This is hard for me to even admit.

    Today I had gel in my hair. It was styled. It scared the heck out of me. I can't even remember the last time I combed my hair. I just get out of the shower and run my hand through once or twice. This was a bet from my roommate, so of course I had to.

    I actually got a lot of positive reviews, but I doubt it'll happen again. The smell drove me crazy and the stuff made my head itch all day.

    But it was rather funny looking :)
  25. fairyliquid New Member

    Yesterday I went to this amazing junk Salvation Army shop. I bought the disney version of Robin Hood and my friend and I sat and watched it singing along to all the songs just being genuinely silly, which was great.

    I went to the Singapore zoo for the fist time today. It was lovely but I got sunburnt again.
  26. Angua_rox New Member

    I love watching movies like that. Me and my friend watched the Swan princess the other night. It was great. :)

    I tied two nipplerings together with a ribbon for the first time :)
  27. Faerie New Member

    Today I helped my dad fix my car. Don't worry I didn't strain myself, I held up the plastic bit of my door so my dad could snap something into place after my window just fell down a couple weeks ago and wouldn't go back up.

    Thursday I went out to a bar for only the third time and watched karaoke (while looking up the spelling of the word I found this). At the 2nd bar we went to that night it happened to be lingerie night, and I would just like to say that it was the waitresses dressing that way, I was fully clothed.

    The next day I had the 3rd job interview of my life and it was a group interview which was a first.
  28. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yesterday I tried doing papier mache and making the water & flour glue that goes with it. This was the first time as an adult, and certainly the first time I used this technique for making the glue, I remember just mixing up flour and water when I was a kid, but this method involved boiling the mixture, and I must say, it works much better !

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