I remember Twoflower being described as "a fat little man" in The Light Fantastic, but wasn't he earlier described as "thin" in The Colour of Magic or am I imagining it? Sorry if I sound like I'm being picky; it's just really annoying me for some reason! Can anyone set my tortured mind at ease? :redface:
I'm not sure, I know he's short and supposed to be a bit like a Japanese tourist. I never thought of him as being fat or thin myself, perhaps short with a bit of a tummy?
Aye, I always thought of him as an Asian tourist too. I also thought he actually had four eyes due to the artwork on the book's front cover. Then I realized it just meant he wore glasses! About his physical appearance... I don't know- it's just that when I read the description of him being fat in The Light Fantastic, a bell rang in my head and for some reason I thought: hang on! Wasn't he supposed to be skinny! How did he go from skinny to fat over the course of two books?! Is this a boo-boo and inconsistancy on TP's part; or maybe I'm getting something mixed up. So I go flipping through The Colour of Magic again to try and find the first description of him; but to no avail. I have no idea why this is bugging me so much, so I guess I'm just gonna have to re-read both books just to keep my sanity!
Thanks for that. Never seen that before. :smile: Although, I finally found out what was bugging me. It was this little passage near the beginning of The Colour of Magic: "When he returned, the being called Twoflower was hanging limply over his shoulder. It was small and skinny, and dressed very oddly in a pair of knee length britches and a shirt in such a violent and vivid conflict of colours that Weasel's fastidious eye was offended even in the half light." Notice it says Twoflower is 'small and skinny' whereas he's always described as fat or plump in the following novel. I knew there was somethin' up; maybe he just put on weight. Anyway, whatever the explanation, maybe now I can get some sleep! :lol:
I think he probably would put on weight considering the difference in diets between his homeland and Ankh-Morpork.