Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Dane, welcome back

    Rinso, I'm sorry that I don't live on your side of the world and was not able to view your dealie.

    Edit: E_Man you are strange. Good song though. My favorite line is "Like my loafers, former gophers, it was that, or skin my chauffer"
  2. Hex New Member

    Sooo... much... psychology... homework.... uuuuugh...

    On the bright side, I had my fourth driver training session and did not hit anyone or anything (go me). I got a 98.6% in Citizenship Issues yesterday, and I only have three drivers ed theory classes left! Huzzah!

    Also, I looked on the bright side of not seeing Charles until June.
    The $722 that could be used for a plane ticket can now be put into my college fund.

    So yeah, life is better, but I need sleeps.
    Night all.
  3. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Or you could use it to buy loads of goodies. Possibly for me?

    Om, you missed out on my tv glory, drinking wine in the background like the man of class and distinction i am.
  4. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    To be sure, to be sure.
  5. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    What the hell? Kennys got a girlfriend! I though the Thai Police had stopped all that!
  6. colonesque10 New Member

    As long as she keeps it tucked away there's no law against it. :?
  7. Electric_Man Templar

    Keeps what tucked away? :?
  8. colonesque10 New Member

    Her stolen Thai currency of course Ben, er...what else did you think I meant....ahem... :oops:
  9. Electric_Man Templar

    Oh, I thought you meant MSN given your apparent disability at signing on to it.
  10. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I have battled my way through my first compulsory three-hour course exam. Now I just need to do the next one and post it before 14th October. Then, after I get to spend more time in Croydon on courses, I'll have two more to do! And then studying and revision courses (again in lovely Croydon), and two more three-hour exams, only for real this time, so far away I have to get up in the dark to get there! The joy just keeps on increasing.

    Honestly, it's bad enough having to do the real exams. Why do I have to spend twelve fucking hours of my life sitting course exams?
  11. colonesque10 New Member

    It'll all be worth it Grace when the Bob on your T-shirt finally smiles. I hope it all goes well for you anyway Grace and never forget Unanimous is spelt thataway. :)
  12. spiky Bar Wench

    Grace you need to do what I did when at uni...cram.

    Probably not the best advice anywone could have given you but all I could come up with under the circumstances... Good luck and what are you studying? I think I may have missed something.
  13. mowgli New Member

    ...sounds like Croydon loves you, Grace :) ...

    Break a nail on your exam!
  14. sampanna New Member

    The sole purpose of exams is to remind us that life is not happy and carefree, and to bring us down when we are cheerful.

    You'd think they would figure out that credit card bills do that already. And in a far superior, agonizing manner!
  15. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Heh, Sampanna. :) Thanks for the nice words, guys, they make me feel a little better about it.

    Spiky, these are my Accountancy exams. I sat the first three last December, I have two this December, two the following June, and two next December (assuming I pass each time). Then I will officially be part-qualified and only have the hardest five to go. :roll:

    The course exams are compulsory coursework (my work say I have to do them or shell out the thousands of pounds for revision courses and resits if I fail the actual exams, which is always a likelihood for anyone sitting them). They are three hour papers that we're supposed to sit under exam conditions in our free time. Cramming at the end is sadly not an option with these! I wish it were.
  16. sampanna New Member

    Heh .. am flying off home for a long weekend! Flight leaves in a couple of hours .. will be leaving office soon. Should be fun, meeting all my friends. It's been a while.
  17. Dane New Member

    OK. just found out that a girl i know Over MSN that i was gonna meet at the weekend lost her V on friday at a house party wile she was drunk. she doesn't even like the guy and its been going around her school. I really like her and was gonna ask her out but. She's acting asif its a good thing that she's had sex, but she doesn't like how it happend. she says she doesn't like me now because she's had sex which i don't get. We had a massive arguyment over next to nothing before she told me. I'm the only person she's told. All her school know it but it ends there. that may sound bad but it could be a lot worse. I just don't know how to deal with this. it isn't the first time she's messed me about.

    I just can't belive it has even happend. I have got to stop careing so much about people over the net.
  18. Orrdos God

    Not at all. There's plenty of people I care about on the net. Nothing wrong with it.

    Peoples people. Just cause they live far away doesn't change that :)
  19. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    She's sounds like a bit of a tard, you're well out of it.
  20. Hex New Member

    I wouldn't stop caring about people you know on the internet. We are very nice and won't mess you about... well, not much anyway ;)

    And as for her, well, all I can do is agree with rinso. She sounds like a tard. And a turd.
    Don't let turds get you down. You'll just end up smelling like them (nasty, I know).
  21. Dane New Member

    the thingis she really isn't, i don't know why she'd even go to that party let alone have sex. I know her and she's really shy, it just really isn't like her. I Just don't even know how to feel about it, i knew she was gonna lose her V someday but i thought it would be in a much more dignified way.
  22. Pixel New Member

    Dane - I don't know whether you had given the girl any indication before she went to that party that you intended to ask her out, but it is possible that since she is shy, had sex for the first time when drunk, with a guy she didn't really like and that that information is "going around the school", she may be a bit suspicious of the motives of any male asking her out or even just showing an interest at the moment, in case they are thinking "Ah, she's easy! Go for it!"
  23. Dane New Member

    Thats a depresingly good point. But yes she knew I liked her before. Anyway I'm gonna stop pouring my heart out over her again. Thanks for your time.

    anyway in related Dane news, today we got to wear what we want at school (yay), I forgot to take a belt and my friend kindly leant me his. It was bright pink, strangly it suited me :shock: anyway everyone was eyeing me up because of that which is new. And i made a new fashon at my school :D

    it's simple, just a peice of folded paper in the backpocket with a bit hanging out saying sneaky paper. it's sneaky becuase it makes girls look at my bum :D all my girl friends were hanging them out of their tops :roll:

    a good day I though and for a good cause, it was to raise money for huntingtons desease and sistic fibrosis. it was called jeans for genes day.
  24. fairyliquid New Member

    Sorry to hear about your troubles with her Dane...just think of it as a learning curve (yes I know this doesnt help at all but I just love telling people it :))

    we were supposed to have a day wearing our own clother for united nations day...I was all ready to put on my kilt to! they had to cancel the muffty though because we had a bunch of deligates over poking around our school and they didnt 'want to get us to excited' :lol:

    anyway...I'm off to south korea...*waves*

    technically I dont leave till evening but I thought I'd wave anyway.
  25. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Girls have to MAKE guys look at their breats? What are kids these days coming to!

    I shoudl be able to go home for two weeks. Leaving the base tomorrow to head back to the land of the big PX, hopefully.
  26. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Dane, that girl obviously has self-respect problems. It's not your job to fix them, it's the job of a professional.
  27. Dane New Member

    yep. well we're still friends and all. I have to many girl problems to be posting on here now. You'd all be feeling stuidly sorry for me and thats all that would ever happen on here.

    anyway I said to them that they didn't need to put it down their tops to make guys look at them but they wanted to :roll:
  28. Andalusian New Member

    On that point, it probably wasn't actually to make guys look at them, but to indicate to other girls that they are skanks. Teenage girls very rarely do anything with the singular intent of having anything to do with the opposite sex.

    I think you just hang out with the wrong girls. I know there aren't many, but a few of them are actually normal. Good luck in finding one.
  29. fairyliquid New Member


    Now I am really going (I was only packing before)...korea awaits, as do lots of hamburgers, fries and junk.

    *sighs* these places always expect kids to only want fast food American junk...I'd prefer korean food (so long as its not fish or alive :?) their noodles are fantastic (so long as they dont contain any fish or alive substances).

    Anyway, a week of hicking and cold(er) weather awaits...yay less humidity!! Now I just need my orange hicking boots and pink socks and we're off!

    see you (or your posts at least) in a week...probably more when you include sleep.
  30. QuothTheRaven New Member

    So, my internet conection is still down. Am using my mom's computer to write this.

    Anyway, the school year is 1/4th over, and i just finnished my midterm prodject for honors English. As usual, i procrastinated it untill the night before it was due.

    I also took a major test in european history on: The revolution of society and state, which covers the fall of fuedalism, the rise of political absolutism, the Enlightenment, the seven years war, the Glorious, American, and French revolutions, the rise and fall of the napoleonic empire, the congress of vienna, and the concert of europe.

    Also, I had to write a poem about the different organeles of a cell and their functions.
  31. redneck New Member

    I need to get me a pair of these "hicking" boots. All I have is a pair of mundane "hiking" boots. :cooler: Good luck with the alive food and all. I miss sushi. I got used to having sushi once a week or so but when I moved back home we don't have a sushi bar. Now I have to wait until I'm out of town to get any. :(
  32. sampanna New Member

    Living in the Counterweight Continent, are you? :)
  33. Dane New Member

    Yay poetry, I'm writeing more and more of it these days...useualy apologies :shock: anyway just wanted to clear something. I said Dani lost her V at a house party. Turns out that was a lie.

    She was extremly drunk, he did want to have sex with her but she refused. Even off her face she can be quite sensible....anyway it turns out that that guy was really angry and jeolus. So he spread rumors that he had had sex with her. she was so drunk that night that she wasn't sure. but with everyone saying that she had she belived it.

    I just wanted to tell everyone that. Unfortunatly i could have done with knowing that on sunday....I kinda had a massive argument with her and held her to ransome with a couple of very private conversations. I was wrong but so was she. anyway We're all cool now. The culprits have been duely noticed and will get the kicking thats comeing to them :D

    so a happy ending i think. I also wrote three really good poems dureing that time and I've just finished writing a poem thats a basic overview of whats happend.

    that sticky buisness out of the way I'd like to say happy hicking to fairyliquid and i hope you get that poem done to quoth
  34. mowgli New Member

    Glad the situation had de-stickified itself, Dane :)
  35. sampanna New Member

    Bless the religious holidays in India :)

    I have a holiday tomorrow, as well as the day after .. for some religious holiday type thing. Apparently they take this day much more seriously here in the South.

    And since I don't have internet access in the house yet, see you all in a couple of days :)
  36. spiky Bar Wench

    I have a headache.
  37. Hsing Moderator

    Poor Spiky.*hands aspirin*

    And Dane, seeing you're not considering yourself one of the bad guys...
    You know a friend (one at least) of yours knows this board too, right? And does your friend Dani know you're giving detailed accounts of her sexual status on this board?
    I think I would kill you if I was her, right after killing that party guy.
    Just a thought.
  38. mowgli New Member

    I agree with Hsing... Dane, I hope you're at least changing the girls' names :)
  39. Pixel New Member

    OK, in general I would agree with Hsing and Mowgli, because on the internet you never know who is reading your posts, but in this case, when rumour is already running riot, he is setting the record straight - as far as I recall, this is the first time he has mentioned her name.
  40. Hsing Moderator

    True, but the whole issue of keeping a bunch of -more or less- strangers up to date about the girl's virginity status could be questioned. Setting the record straight with his peers is fine, but without him, there certainly wouldn't be any related record on this board. 15 year old me would have felt pretty humiliated when finding out a guy I trusted with the whole story is posting about it on a message board.
  41. Dane New Member

    You know, your all right. I was wrong to post about her virginity. I suppose that i was just to trusting. You've helped me with similar things although never so seriouse so i thought you could help again. I have used a different name for her but i shouldn't have posted it i know.

    we've finally sorted it all out now though. i had a much more coloufull weekend but that doesn't really matter. I was a stupid to post these things and i wont do anything of the sort again.
  42. Hex New Member

    Don't worry about it. Teenagers have a tendency not to think (and I'm allowed to say that because I am one and am commonly not thinking due to a lack of sleep and lack of caffeine, or just plain brainlessness).

    Yeah, not much going on with me, except I'm bored, sleepy, and sick of psychology. It's a hard, hard class!
  43. Dane New Member

    OK I'll use Hex's excuse.

    Anyway I'm now the lyracist for two bands. I've written two songs so far and quite enjoying it. heres the first song if anyones interested. Both bands are gonna make their own version and compare.

    so i have a half day today aswell because of parents eavning or the like. I got dropped off by my mum who decided to drive back to manchester with my bag in the boot :? crazy woman.

    OOh and Hex you don't know how lucky you are. I want to do psychology but i have to wait till i go to college :( two of my fruiends do it. Ones doing it at high school and the other in sixth form.
  44. Hex New Member

    Lucky my ass! I just had to type out 20 pages worth of notes for class tomorrow (condensed to 4 A4 pages, oh yeah, I rock), PLUS get my presentation ready, PLUS 52 short-essay questions for the 25th.
    But its a cool class, so why the hell am i complaining?
    Oh yeah, thats right, I'm odd... and exhausted.

    Anyways, I have happy happy news!

    One of my favorite bands is playing an hour away from where I live in November.
    That's right y'all...
    This Saturday I am calling Ticketmaster to get BON JOVI tickets!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yup, my dad is letting me and my sister go to see Bon Jovi ( I still need to negotiate it with my mom, but it should be fine).

    I am so excited!! Wheee!!! Music!!

    Sorry, hyper... :oops:
  45. Andalusian New Member



    Anyway, I've had them for a while, but I just need to say that I have front-row tickets to a Franz Ferdinand concert! Its going to rule so much.
  46. sampanna New Member

    You also have a new phone, a little bird told me :)
  47. Dane New Member

    Woaw you lucky people. I've arragned to meet a friend at the next brand new concert. problem is i don't knot when they're comeing over to England again :? theres no details of a UK tour yet so i could be waiting a wile.

    I really like the psychology, i haven't even started the course and i know i'll enjoy it. My two friends like to share what they've been learning and i like to put my own opinions forward and i'm regulaly helping them with homework :roll: which is funny I seem to do more homework for those two than i do for me :oops:
  48. Perdita New Member

    THings have been manic busy in work for the past couple of weeks. Last night I went to redeem my pub quiz winnings along with my fellow team members (the true brainy people- I'm just a pretender) and about 20 others.

    80 pints of harp Lager. :shock:

    (truely vile stuff)

    Anyway needless to say I was drunk (it doesn't take much) and even now at 4.50pm GMT I am still a little fuzzy minded.

    Roll on home time
    Roll on Bed time
  49. Andalusian New Member

    If I never come back here its because my best friend has murdered me. I kinda, accidentally, didn't mean to, sorta sent her boyfriend some photos of her horseriding. The guy and I thought she looked really hot, but she obviously didn't agree. So she has told me that I shall die.

  50. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    If she kills you can I have your horse. I promise not to sell (s)he for glue.
  51. Tephlon Active Member

    No, I want it, there's this former bussiness associate I want to "surprise". ;)
  52. Pixel New Member

    In that case, I presume you only need the head - I live where I could probably sell the rest of it for food - could we come to a deal?
  53. Tephlon Active Member

    You need to feed some cats?
  54. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    What about the glue industry people?! Horses don't grow on trees you know*

    *Dispite years of wasted genetic resreach.
  55. Pixel New Member

    Actually, I was thinking more that I am fairly close to that large chunk of land that's to the West of me and North of where you currently are where they'll eat anything - even if it crawls around in a shell, hops about in a pond, or just fails to win the Derby (or other appropriate race) - though come to think of it, the rest of the horse could make a lot of cats very happy!
  56. Tephlon Active Member

    Oh god, I just remembered seeing "cervelle du veau" in a French supermarket. Yuck!
  57. fairyliquid New Member

    Well now...that’s me back from Korea and I think I have forgotten how to use a keyboard properly because it’s taking ages to find all the right keys!!

    It was fun...except the first few days which was just all shopping and looking around markets which were full of the fake junk you can buy everywhere else in Asia (and cheaper elsewhere also). Mix a bit of Hong Kong and Bangkok together and that’s about it was rather dull. The DMZ (de-militarized zone) was interesting. It's the border between north and South Korea...we were all attempting to get pictures of a bunch of North Korean mountains from this little box you were allowed to take pictures from. The box, however, was conveniently far away from a big wall and all you could capture was the top of a few mountains. The tour guide was hilarious, she spent half her time talking about n. Korean spies coming in to kill them all which was rather amusing (mostly cause she kept going on about it).

    After Seoul (where we were shopping) it was up to the mountains for some lovely hiking and fantastic scenery. Well, we had a 5 hour bus journey first but never mind. Once we were there we climbed to the summit of a mountain which wasn't particularly hard but they had added in a lot of rather steep steps which were rather steep and when you have a terrible fear of heights this is not a good thing. I froze half way up and was in tears and hyper ventilating by the end. Oddly enough I climbed to the summit of S. Korea without a thought to the height (except perhaps out of laziness but well…).

    The big hike (to the summit) was interesting. Mostly the night spent up on the mountain…20 people stuffed into an itsy room…6 girls and 1 female teacher the rest male…I was stuck next to the teacher (and not the female one I might add). You can only imagine the noise, and the smell for that matter. But I did it, I climbed to the summit of mainland Korea and am very proud of myself for doing so…my orange hiking boots with me :D

    Now I have to sort through 400 odd pictures (may have gone a tad overboard there) and shall try to get some on line eventually…whenever eventually is…the scenery though was just phenomenal.
  58. redneck New Member

    I just got back in from a trip to Biloxi, Mississippi, where the hurricane Katrina hit. A group from the Alcor Baptist Association was taking several guys and my dad asked me to go too. Dad and I were the only ones with considerable chainsaw experience.

    There wound up being seven of us total. I climbed the trees and fixed chainsaws. It was an interesting experience. I'll post more later and should have an address for pictures.

    My dad drove our truck and tractor and I drove my car. I had 945 miles on my tripometer. We left on Friday at 4:30 in the morning, got there at around noon, worked for several hours, and got in bed sometime after 11. Got back up at 5:30 the next (Saturday) morning, ate, worked until seven that evening, and went to sleep again. Woke up at 5:30 again this morning, dad and some of the guys went to do some small jobs while me and two others drove around assessing jobs so that new groups coming in would be able to provide more assistance.

    Dad and I drove the whole way down and back. With so little sleep and so much driving I'm severely tired. I hope to have more information online tomorrow, but for now I'm going to bed. Good night.
  59. sampanna New Member

    How are things in the US, post-Katrina? Since I came back to India I have fallen behind on US news. I ask you as someone who visited the hurricane ravaged place in person, news reports tend to be a bit sensationalized. Is life returning to normal there?
  60. Hex New Member

    So, this weekend I found out that not only am I definitely NOT going to the Bon Jovi Concert, I also officially cannot go to London at Christmas, and therefore will not see my boyfriend until next June.

    The world hates me. I think it is official. :cry:
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