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Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Stupid world!

    Bad Luck Hex thats double sucky. :(
  2. roisindubh211 New Member

    that's terrible Hex. :( bob thinks so too

    Now I feel bad 'cause I'm seeing my boy in two weeks. :?
  3. redneck New Member

    Sampanna, the hwy along the coast is completely messed up. We didn't even go to Waveland or Bay St. Louis, where it is supposed to be worse. In one house where we were assessing jobs the water had been up seven feet. This was about a mile north of the beach. Our main job areas were between three and seven miles from the beach area. This area had a lot of wind damage but not too much water damage. Many of the houses close to the beach are completely gone or are waiting for someone to tear them down.

    Several of the casino barges were sitting on the land after having crossed over the beach and across the highway. Just to let you know, these aren't small barges either. They are maybe 200 feet wide and 300 feet long, maybe even bigger. One of the pictures we took is of a huge yacht just sitting in someone's front yard. The power from the water and wind is just amazing.

    We slept on the floor of a church in Biloxi and the red cross fed us. There were several hundred college kids from Tennessee, Kentucky, and somewhere else staying at the same area. They were spending their fall break down there helping cut trees and de-mud houses. One of the groups was telling us about the house they were cleaning. The storm happened over six weeks ago, but there was still wet mud in the house. He said one of the girls that had a weak stomach never even made it into the house. She was assigned yard duty and stayed well clear of the house. He said that the stench from all that rotting stuff (no telling what exactly) was just horrible.

    I've got to go for now, but I'll try to get more on later.
  4. fairyliquid New Member

    Sorry to hear about it hex.... :( bob understands

    redneck, sounds horrible...It's hard to imagine really...

    I managed to post some pics of my korea trip if anyone is interested they can be found here

    you have to click on photos to get them..its under hiking in korea.
  5. Perdita New Member

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong but when I click on your link fairyliquid it's asking me to log onto MSN, I don't have a log on etc for this!

    Do you have a more direct link?
  6. fairyliquid New Member

    sorry...its on MSN and i think you do have to be signed in...ill tryy posting them up somewhere else
  7. sampanna New Member

    Sounds pretty bad Nathan, I think it was real good of you chaps to volunteer help.
  8. fairyliquid New Member are the pictures...sorry about that, i thought anyone could access from there.

    hiking in korea
  9. sampanna New Member

    Nice photos Fairy .. looks like a very beautiful place indeed!
  10. Hsing Moderator

    ... I'm so sorry...

    United Airlines do the flight for 640 Euros, which probably makes no difference at all, considering the exchange rate...
  11. Dane New Member

    That really does suck Hex, I can't go see my girlfriend at the weekend...well it isn't either but you know what i mean :?

    I got a train ticket and was going to slepp at hers, but i just got a phone call saying that i can have the job at republic if i start on saturday :? damn world.

    And now i'm off to an open eavning at the sixth form I'm hopeing to go to next year. Bought some new cloths (from republic) specailly for the night, Just hope I can get in now
  12. Hex New Member

    Things are slightly better...

    I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!!!!!!!!! hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am now licensed to drive! Watch out!! :) :)
  13. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Hooray! indeed. I hope you enjoy your mobility, if you see a maroon International Eagle semi pulling a dropdeck trailer on I-80, it might be my Jon.(he doesn't look anything like Mr. Bon Jovi, unfortunately, but he can sing a bit)
  14. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    *Jumps up and down pointing to location!*
  15. spiky Bar Wench

    Now you can drive to your boyfriends :D :D

    Yes, yes? mmmmm....Maybe not. Forget I mentioned it....

    1 week of teaching to go...the a lot of marking but I'm done for the year!!! ooooh the joy, the anticipation, the free time... *Bliss* :cooler:
  16. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Congratulations Hexie :)

    Welcome home Brad :)

    Hang in there Spiky :)

    I have been very busy the past couple of weeks, this week doesn't look promising either, I hope things are better next week.
  17. sampanna New Member

    Good going Hex :) Now blackmail your dad into letting you use the family car more often to make up for all the recent disappointments!
    I want to "work" in the Northern Hemisphere May-October and in the Southern from November-April :(
  18. Dane New Member

    Yay for you Hex, at least something's going right :D

    Well i looked around the college and was impressed by almost everything there. The teachers were brilliant, the facilities were brand new (with exeption to the physics, but i'll come onto that in a second) and everyone there was polite and helpfull.

    I'm hopeing to do psychology, physics, maths, accountancy and critical thinking there. In addition the college has a compulsary 50 minuet R.E. lesson every week (which isn't graded at all :? ) and everyone has to do a generaql studies course which does get us a A level at least. I'm doing general studies at school now and I really am enjoying it. Anyway by my second year the critical thinking course will have finished and the accountancy course will have aswell so I'll only be taking 4 full A levels.

    I was impressed with everything exept (spling?) the Physics department. It was much better than the physics department at the other college I've looked at but still not as good as i was expecting. This is a really well respected college and last year only exepted 850 of 1300 entries. Although everything else was really highg quality the physics didn't quite meet the standard of the rest of the place.

    Last years reults show that the lowest pass rate of the departments was 93% and that was in physics. Still 93% is conforting but with it being tghe lowest pass rate and the area i was least pleased with It doesn't bode well. But the majority of the pass rates were 100%.

    Now all i have to do is fill out my application form and get that in before December.
  19. colonesque10 New Member

    I am going to look at a house in Winsford that I might move into if it's nice. They have two rooms available, one en-suite and one not. Hopefully it will be nice and i'll be able to move in soon and take MY SKY with me. The picture looks nice anyway. :)
  20. redneck New Member

    Glad for you to be home, Brad.

    Hex, if you're making a trip down south, let me know. I'll try to stay off the street, in my apartment, under my bed, with my pillow over my head. :D

    Good luck with the house, Kenny.
  21. fairyliquid New Member

    *sits back with feet up*

    Oh how i love half-term. Only an essay, a bunch of spanish, IT and some art to do for next week...other than that I have no obligations whatsoever. :D

    Pitty Monday is inevitable...
  22. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    It'll probably be a step up from the hollowed out tree your living in now.
  23. colonesque10 New Member

    It's better than living in a shoe with the Waltons, a small family of mice, Rinso. I think at your age you shouldn't be getting into bed with Eric and Mildred Walton, even if you have had a bad dream. :)
  24. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Well, you know I took the trouble to have flu vaccines here at the
    village, right? At some point they ran out and the new shipment for
    the entire country is due on November 5th. So, I tried to hoard the
    ones I had left for those that have cardiac and respiratory problems,
    not the ones who are just old.

    Moreover, those who are insured in IKA (don't ask) get inoculated free
    of charge only at the IKA clinics. If I do the inoculation, they have
    to pay for the vaccine.

    I had proven that I was out of vaccines, I had proven I cannot
    inoculate people insured in IKA in their own villages for free so I got told off for
    being loud and the SocialWorker of the help at home programme told me,
    with an extremely loud voice, that I should be nice to the elderly,
    even when they are insulting to me, and that just because I got a doctor's degree I shouldn't act like I, quote, got the Pope by the balls, unquote.

    Everyone is conveniently forgetting that this is the very first time
    people can get inoculated up at the villages with the minimum of
    trouble and the nephew of the old man, (who got eventually inoculated
    for the sole reason that he was old, depriving people who have had
    coronary surgery of the one vaccine I had left) and the Social Worker
    never lifted a finger for "the poor old people" who will surely die if
    they don't get the flu vaccine NOW, but have no problem staying up at
    the mountain with freezing temperatures with only a woodstove to keep
    them warm.

    Oh, and I forgot to say that the Social Worker said that I am acting
    hysterical and at the villages everyone's saying I am hysterical
    because I'm not getting any

    ...which I am not, what with me being up here and not having a
    boyfriend, or anyone of interest in the vicinity, but if this is
    really what they are saying, then I wish they choke on the medications
    I have gone through blizzards to deliver in the winter.

    Thing is, there is no point in pursuing this. Both the nephew and the Social Worker are locals, so thay've got the Pope by the balls by definition.

    Sorry for being an attention whore. Feel free to skip this.
  25. Tephlon Active Member

    At least you know who to blame when someone dies.
    Not a big consolation, I know...
  26. redneck New Member

    Saccharissa, I know the feeling of being told that you need to get some. My co-workers are telling me that all the time. They've even offered to go in on halves to get me a woman for the night. Of course they were joking (maybe) but it still gets to be a bother at times. They seem to think that if I get laid then I'll be easier to work with. I'm not sure how much easier I could get to be to work with.

    I usually take the messiest jobs, the harder of the jobs, or at least help in doing so. I never ask someone to do something just because I don't want to do it.

    Being the boss's son is no easy position. Everyone thinks that I have it easy, make loads of money, and am just working for the hell of it so that I'll at least have something to do during the day. Instead I know exactly what kind of fiscal condition the business is in, I have to put in a lot of overtime by jsut spending time with my dad in the shop, and I never am off work. I sometimes don't get home until 8:30 or 9:30 at night. That gets really old after having worked in the sun all day long dragging brush, running chainsaws, and putting up with home owners.

    Still they think I've got it easier than them. I just don't see how. :?
  27. sampanna New Member

    Ignore the buggers, Sacchy and Redneck! They aren't worth getting bothered about.

    Incidentally, isn't your one year at the village almost up now Sacchy?
  28. Pixel New Member

    Saccharissa, sometimes one needs to recognize that doing the right thing is not going to win you any awards in the popularity stakes.

    If you use your limited supply of vaccine on the elderly (who from the way you refer to them seem to be the classic well-weathered types who get into the record books for endurance) you will get blamed if any of the younger but more vulnerable people die - but if you use the vaccine for those younger people, you will be accused of not caring for the elderly.

    If you use the vaccine on those people who are entitled to it free but do not want to go to the clinic, if you charge them they will object because they think it should still be free, but if you don't then you will be either losing the money yourself or your employers will be unhappy with you (I don't know how the Greek medical system works).

    A doctor's degree may not entitle you to indulge in almost certainly sacrilegious activities in the Vatican, but it does give you the right to have your judgement respected in medical matters - try asking the people who try to denigrate your qualifications what their qualifications are.

    As for the claim that you are "hysterical because I'm not getting any " - if there was someone there in the village that you were "getting" it with, there would be people who would object to that and refuse to go to "that slut doctor" (NOTE: Not my opinion - just what some people would say)

    You're doing what your training and experience tells you is right - keep on doing it - you never know - the next doctor posted to that village may turn out to be a total wanker - and when they have a major problem, they'll be thinking "Where's Avgi when we need her?"!
  29. Dane New Member

    Goddamnit! I hate it. One of my friends has been a complete asshole all week. He got himself dumped and blamed it on me, then she says she fancies me and today he comes back being the biggest dickhead he's ever been and now she's going back out with him and two more of my friends fancy him. I can't stand it, he's infuriated me to the point of breaking his ratty little face.
  30. Pixel New Member

    Dane - have you thought about selling the rights to your everyday life to American television? You could make a fortune! :)
  31. fairyliquid New Member

    it does seem to follow the right pattern...she dumped him he blamed it on her, she got mad so kissed his room mate, he chucked her to go out with her best friend, they got married, then the first guy comes into the picture, then the happy couple gets divorced, then....

    sorry dane looks like you've just taken the leading role in 'soap on the board' :D
  32. Dane New Member

    tis probably a good idea :D i think i'll just write it all down and change a couple of names....
  33. fairyliquid New Member

    In other news...I have no news... :(
  34. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Hugs to Avgi and Nate.
  35. redneck New Member

    Thanks Grace.
  36. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    :hugs Avgi:
    :Man hugs Nate:

    Have you thought about sending the social worker a treatise on triage?
  37. Marcia Executive Onion

    Hugs Nate and Avgi
  38. Dane New Member

    In other news I've decided not to post the more interesting parts of my life on here or any other boards. They seem to get alot of attention....good or bad i don't know.

    Anyway i have to do coursework on Disney and I really can't do it :? i just can't do the analises. I can phrase it all beautifully and discuss the finer points of the assigment but i just can't seem to get my head around the actual analisis (I don't even know whether i'm spelling that right!). Its not looking good, it's all "There are plenty of examples of superlative devices for example "the most magical kingdom on Earth"".

    It just isn't flowing like it should. *sigh* I'm going to fail this coursework.
  39. Hsing Moderator

    *is too shy to hug Nate and Avgi, but sends dung bombs to their enemies*
  40. redneck New Member

    Thanks for all the hugs. Makes me feel all warm inside. (wwith special thanks for the dung bombs. But one small request, please do not fling a dung bomb while they are at work, Hsing. Innocent people will be involved, ie me:D ) And a hug for Avgi from me too.
  41. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

  42. spiky Bar Wench

    *Feeling warm and fuzzy because I randomly walked into a large hug*
  43. Hsing Moderator

    *curses her timidity and feels left out and alone*
  44. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    ::hugs Hsing::

    Haha! Timidity begone!
  45. sampanna New Member

    Shucks, if this was Unreal Tournament, I could have had 8 frags in one shot.
    People crowding together is good if you have a rocket launcher and are at a reasonable distance.

  46. sleepy_sarge New Member

    Well I am back - emerging from the Borneo heat into wonderful cold Dutch rain.

    Now...what have you all been up to? Time for some serious catching up!! - and maybe a little work in between.

    The slumberous one.
  47. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Good to see you back. :)
  48. Dane New Member

    Hi sleepy, hope you had a good time
  49. sleepy_sarge New Member

    Thanks guys!

    Yes I had a great time, although it was (for me) a long time away from home. However there are those on here who are in tougher places, working in terrible and dangerous circumstances and away from home for much longer, so all in all I should just be thankful to have a safe and interesting job that lets me travel a lot.
  50. Dane New Member

    What job is that? if you don't mind me asking.

    Well I've finally done all my English coursework (phew) and my maths (phew) and still haven't done jack for my science (eeek). I'd love to do some but i really can't even attempt it! All my notes are at my friends and I'm useless without them. I'd ask her to email them but somehow my cookies have become disabled (i can still see them all, but i don't know how to re-enable them :?) and i can't access my Email because of it.

    If anyone can help PLEASE help *begs*
  51. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Sarge! Great to see you back. :)
  52. Hsing Moderator

  53. Maljonic Administrator

    Welcome back sleepy_sarge. :)
  54. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Welcome back. Just in time for the first day of October rain too. :)

    I don't really have news. It's mostly guitar-related...
  55. Bradthewonderllama New Member

  56. spiky Bar Wench

    Hi :partyman: Sleepy...
  57. sampanna New Member

    Really Spiky, it's too early in the morning for that.

    Let's wait another half hour :)
    Welcome back Sarge .. as Dane says, what do you work at .. if you don't mind us asking?
  58. redneck New Member

    "what do you work at?" Is this the generally practiced way, in the east, of asking what someone does for a living? Just curious because I've seen it a few times, but never here in the US, or at least where I've been here.

    And welcome back sleepy.
  59. sleepy_sarge New Member

    Thanks all!

    Well...I recalled describing my odd carreer in a thread somewhere and eventually my brain kicked into gear - it was called "What's your line", and my entry is here

    Specifically this time, I was training local people how to operate and deploy a project management system. I visited Sarawak and Brunei (on the island of Borneo) for five weeks, and afterwards spent a week in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, where I was lecturing at an event run by our learning development folks.

    CY , I'd like the guitar info, since I also play and collect them. Often to be found gazing at shiny objects of desire in Rock Palace in the Hague.
  60. Cynical_Youth New Member

    I know the feeling. :)

    Well... I have been experimenting with vocals and this weekend I discovered that I can sing and play Tears in Heaven by Clapton. So now I'm trying to build a set list of sorts. I've also been writing lyrics for some of my own stuff (which is finally heading in the right direction) and I had a pretty productive day of songwriting with a friend of mine this weekend.
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