Roll Call!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. Ozzer New Member

    Private Perks reporting as ordered

    Monday, September 26, 2005 9:45 AM. I knew I had packrat tendencies, I just didn't realize it had spilled over into my email account. That email has now been deleted.
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    :cool: I have no idea what you're trying to hint at in your subtle Portudutch manner there, young lad.
  3. Tephlon Active Member

    It's "dutchugese", and I wasn't being subtle.

    Nor am I a "young lad" to you, mademoiselle...

  4. gabba New Member

    Im still here, just lousy poster... will try to do better :(
  5. Orrdos God

    I do often wonder how many lurkers we have. Did any come with us from the old boards, just reading?

    Maybe some people have spent years just reading us, never commenting, never posting. It's kinda cool to think that there may be people out there who are just happy enough to read the random nonsense we come out with.
  6. Delphine New Member

    I'm still here, but I didn't get an email... actually, i've just realised which address it probably went to. So, I probably did. Join date: day 1 :)
  7. Kung_Fu_Queen New Member

    I've been lurking too! I was at the old board, but I've never really posted much at either location. Can't actually remember if I ever posted here... I'm sure I meant to. Isn't it the thought that counts anyway? I thought really hard about it! That should earn me some brownie points, a few at least. Maybe one? Please?

    Edited to add: My post count says this is my first post. I am a professional lurker. *Disapears into the shadows*
  8. mowgli New Member

    ::stands up to be Counted::
  9. Athar New Member

    What a devious way to get people to reply... joking...
    Still alive, I do peek in once in a while to read. Wish I had more time, but there you go. Present, then. So to speak.
  10. HalfJack New Member

    I'm still here. Ish.

    I just lurk. =)
  11. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Still alive and twitching :)
    Had a few minor health problems but looking forward to getting back into the fray soon.
  12. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I can't believe how many lurkers we have! Who are all you guys? :smile:

    Floyd, are you related to me? :wink:
  13. TJRat New Member

    I'm still here!

    Please keep me on the rolls...
  14. Tephlon Active Member

    This is incredibly cool. Everytime I check this board there's replies from people I've never seen before that tell us they've been lurking for months, years even.

    I suggest we do this once a year. Let's call it "Lurker Coming Out-Day".*

    21st of March next year?

    PS: Please don't stop replying, this is great!

    *Leonard of Quirm style naming.... Think Bauke, Think.... Ehm. UnLurkFest?
  15. Dane New Member

    I'm still here, havn't been able to post much this week, damn gigs and meetings :S
  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ah ! news ! finally ! I've been worrying you know... :redface:

    Well, that'll serve you just right for overdoing the cheese, there !
  17. Cynical_Youth New Member

  18. Marcia Executive Onion

    I am here.
  19. Anna New Member

    Hello, I'm still here.
  20. inwig New Member

    Still about, occasionally, as I'm currently only on dial up.

    I joined 26 August 2006. Mal you might want to check "Quote, etc" linking because graphic button links don't work if you switch 'load graphics' to off in browser preferences to save page download time. Otherwise great job on the revamp.
  21. Roman_K New Member

    Still around. Plan to be around some more.
  22. Tephlon Active Member

    Inwig: You might want to post that in this thread, as Mal is more likely to check that one for upgrade issues.
  23. mr_scrub New Member

    Yay! Jock is back. :D
  24. missy New Member

    Me and Dave are still around, we are very busy though (sorry for neglecting you)

    Not sure on Dave but i joined on 27/01/2006. Hope this helps Mal.
  25. Faerie New Member

    I'm still here and I know this lurker.
  26. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Roll call! Ham and Cheese please.

    I'm not all here.

    Erm, I joined yesterday.

    I don't think this joining date thing is meant for me thou.
  27. allthatjazz New Member

    I'm here, but I've been overly involved...hopefully I can go back to my lazy lifestyle soon :)
  28. discworldfreek New Member

    I M Ere

    Hi discworldfreek here.
    Where’s Terry's next book.
    I'm getting Discworld withdrawal
  29. urquhartfay New Member

    i'm here

    i'm here, at least in spirit if not much physically!

    i have been out preaching the gospel of pratchett, lending books to my husband, sister-in-law, and various friends. am spending more time looking at books than chat rooms, but i'm here...

    - urqu
  30. Orrdos God

    Heh, your avatar made me laugh.
  31. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I'm still here, too!!, I haven't been working quite as much as redneck but I have been busy at work and there is the man hunting thing:), I've been told I'll be having more time off this summer then I'll know what to do with, I hope to spend some of that time with you lovely folks.

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