
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hex, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. Guest Guest how about,

    "lost your sock to the Washing Machine Monster?, well fear not friend, we have the solution....... (kylie comes on and starts singing and wearing the socks to show how cool they are) "The (Geeeeee) String Sock, The one and only sock on a string"
    Then Sarah MG comes on lookin all sexy with her (pink i think) socks on and says "wow i really can't loose them"

    Hows that? i'm good at thinking up wild and wacky ideas but my marketing ideas (unless as established pornagraphic) are total pants!

    Sorry :roll:
  2. KaptenKaries New Member

    Hahaha wonderful! :D
  3. Guest Guest

    Nope total pants..... can you do better?
  4. KaptenKaries New Member

    Lots of scottish swearwords in the background, which grows stronger as the camera moves through a mound like tunnel to reveal a large group of red bearded blue men kicking, biting and grabbing eachother's socks.

    Red Bearded Blue Men: I told yez, gimmie that sock ye mudlin!

    Announcer: Are you tired of fighting your entire clan just to find a matching pair of socks?

    The men stop fighting and look at the camera.

    Red Bearded Blue Men: Ah'mma kick ye inna heid! Whuts the bigjob sayin? Aye!

    Announcer: Kelda's birthday coming up and you can't find something matching your kilt?

    Red Bearded Blue Men: Ach, that's nuthin'! Yer scunner! Ach, weel, ye ken, me brother's got the other one. Crivens!

    Announcer: Err... Well... Then look no further! Introducing the brand new Socks-Onna-String, this new garment will impress even the most hardheaded hag.

    Red Bearded Blue Men: That's noo hagglings, izzit?

    Announcer: For only a small amount of your savings, you can be the proud owner of your own pair of Socks-Onna-String, the socks you just can't loose! Available in white, green and three stylish clan patterns!
  5. Guest Guest

    :cry: Its no good i can't come up with anything better, You should be in advertising! The only addition would be the Feegles attacking the announcer at the end and trying to get his socks off him, obviously finding it difficult because he has our String Socks on!

    I'm thinking we should use John Cleese as the announcer.

    what do you think?

  6. KaptenKaries New Member

    Great idea! On the note of Mr. Cleese, if you're somewhat oriented in the basics of tape backup (the process of storing data, from a file server for example, on magnetic tape similar to ye olde cassette tapes that used to transmute into Best of Queen) this is hilarious:
  7. Guest Guest

    That is fantastic, i used to do that job for the construction company i worked for..... hated it, left, nothing left to say!

    after seeing that though i do believe he is perfect for the job! He's hired!

    now we just need to pursuede the Feegles. i'm sure some alcohol will do that! Do you have any whiskey?
  8. KaptenKaries New Member

    I thought you needed Special Sheep Liniment?
  9. Guest Guest

    Whiskey is the closest thing i can think of to Special Sheep Linement (unless you are worryingly wierd and have that stuff just lying around) i thought Whiskey would do ok!

    I'm sure they wont mind!
  10. KaptenKaries New Member

    I'm sure Whisky will do! Thing is, since I violently cut down on my alcohol consumption to two times a year, I don't have that much lying around. In fact none.
  11. Guest Guest

    Great!!! we have to loose out on the biggest thing since sliced bread because you haven't got the right equipment!!!

    Oh well you win some you loose some!

    He he he :lol:
  12. KaptenKaries New Member

    Oooh, don't talk like that about my equipment. ;)
  13. Guest Guest

    well if you can't even please a feegle!!!!

  14. KaptenKaries New Member

  15. Guest Guest

    Whiplash 1 Kapten 0

    See thats what you get for ruining a damn good plan with lack of Whisky!

    We must do this again some time, even though i won, we do make a good inventing/advertising team.


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