Some disturbing news

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Dec 17, 2005.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    "Wilcox read a statement to the court proclaiming his innocence saying he did nothing wrong."

    Well, at least he's consistant.

    I wonder if he called the judge a bully?
  2. mowgli New Member

    That IS a strange sentence (6.5 to 20 years) isn't there a humongous difference between being innocent and having done nothing wrong? :p I mean, what if you're NOT innocent, but you don't believe you've done anything wrong, for one reason or another?

    Just a random musing...

    Good to know the little girl is doing well, though!
  3. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Doing all right, for now. This is the elephant in the room of all her future relationships with men.

    Brorien will certainly have a horrible time in prison, even the most callous criminals have standards.
  4. Roman_K New Member

    [quote:2043fafea0="mowgli"] isn't there a humongous difference between being innocent and having done nothing wrong? :p I mean, what if you're NOT innocent, but you don't believe you've done anything wrong, for one reason or another?[/quote:2043fafea0]

    Twisted morals. Ah, Brorien, what a real bastard you are...

    I find the sentence to be a bit odd, myself.

    And Garner, I'm certain he did. Probably not in court, but certainly outside it.
  5. Maljonic Administrator

    Yeah, I don't understand the sentence either. What does it mean?
  6. sleepy_sarge New Member

    I *think* it means he is eligible for parole from the earlier figure.

    This from Wikipedia

    [quote:8b448cd253]The exact nature of parole varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In the United States, courts may specify in a sentence how much time must be served before a prisoner is eligible for parole. This is often done by specifying an indeterminate sentence of, say, "15 to 25 years," or "15 years to life.[/quote:8b448cd253]
    Full article

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