Unseen Discworld Audio Drama Society

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Oct 25, 2005.

  1. Maljonic Administrator

    And Marcia is signed up to play Keli. :)
  2. Dane New Member

    Cool. Microphone found :D microphone tested :D microphone working :D...now what? :?

    I'm haveing fun with it on MSN (hehe) but i can't figure out how to record things... If someone could PM me some instructions. I have Windows if that helps? I think sleepy_sarge was saying that microphone software was built in somewhere....
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    In Windows XP you can follow Start > All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder
  4. Dane New Member

    Ahhh. Thanks. I'll record it later, I have stuff to do (stupid mother)
  5. Dane New Member

    Yay. All done, not to sure about the quality of recording but its all there at least. I've recorded them all seperatly so theres 18 small wav files. I'll send them in an email to Mal. Hope you approve
  6. Maljonic Administrator

    Thanks I got them, all saved and ready to go, nice and clear too.

    Just waiting for Electric_Man, everyone else is done.

    Tephlon might be doing another one of Death to try and get it a bit clearer?
  7. Electric_Man Templar

    I've recorded mine, just waiting for an opportunity to send it. Done a couple of recordings, I'll send both (hopefully tomorrow at work) and you can choose the best.
  8. spiky Bar Wench

    Can I be Goodie Hamstring: a witch... at least its female, I can't make any claims to having a low voice unless I have a sore throat...
  9. Maljonic Administrator

    Okay, your name has been added to the cast. :)

    And I look forward to hearing Hrita tomorrow.
  10. Electric_Man Templar

    Just checking that you got my recordings Mal?
  11. Maljonic Administrator

    I sent you this at 11:19 this morning in reply to your message:

    [quote:bbaccef2a3]Thatnks, I'll use the fourth one; can't actually tell what you're saying on the first two, half and half with the third one and about 90% of the fourth. :)[/quote:bbaccef2a3]
  12. Maljonic Administrator

    I've got started on putting it together and discovered a missing line:

    [size=14:3c3ce76af1]sleepy_sarge you need to record: [b:3c3ce76af1]'His heart's in the right place, mind.'[/b:3c3ce76af1][/size:3c3ce76af1]

    Also, does anyone have an idea what that viewing device near the end of Going Postal might look like, I think it might be like a magic mirror or something (not the talking kind)? I was thinking of using something like that as a viewer for the play, to have some sort of action in the form of still cartoons... nobody has volunteered for that though, so I might just draw stick people instead in the hope someone will come up with something better later, once they know what I'm talking about. :)
  13. sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:0a44233d37="Maljonic"][size=14:0a44233d37]sleepy_sarge you need to record: [b:0a44233d37]'His heart's in the right place, mind.'[/b:0a44233d37][/size:0a44233d37][/quote:0a44233d37]


    let me know if there are any probs!
  14. Maljonic Administrator

    Thanks, sounds good. :)
  15. sleepy_sarge New Member

    Also, does anyone have an idea what that viewing device near the end of Going Postal might look like, I think it might be like a magic mirror or something (not the talking kind)? I was thinking of using something like that as a viewer for the play, to have some sort of action in the form of still cartoons... nobody has volunteered for that though, so I might just draw stick people instead in the hope someone will come up with something better later, once they know what I'm talking about. :)[/quote:0b7f9e3cae]

    Sounds reasonable......but as a viewing device, perhaps the Dis-Organiser has got this capability now, along with I-HUM and Bluenose messaging?

    I don't have the artistic talent to develop, but [color=blue:0b7f9e3cae]here[/color:0b7f9e3cae] 's a (bad) photoshop to show what I mean
  16. Dane New Member

    I quite like the looks of that Sleepy, good job
  17. Maljonic Administrator

    I quite like it too. I think it's maybe a little too high tech? I might end up using it, or something similar, anyway if no one else comes up with anything. I was thinking something more magical looking, like a black mirror or crystal ball; but a Bloody Stupid Johnson invention might be just the ticket? :)
  18. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Maybe the 'OmniScope' from the 'Last Hero.'
  19. Maljonic Administrator

    Rincewind, you're a stark raving genius! The answer was there all along sitting on my bookshelf, only I never got around to reading it - just had a look and it's perfect, right there near the beginning! :)
  20. Maljonic Administrator

    Right I think it's done. You need to have Flash installed to see it.

    It still needs someone to do some proper character drawings and backgoround scenery for the actual play, like sheepridge market in this one, but I did some silly doodles so you can get the idea of what I mean. If anyone does do better drawings it's very easy to swap them over - make sure they are transparent gifs though for the characters if you can, the backgrounds can be any kind of files - just bear in mind that it has to fit in a circle.

    Not sure how long the movie will take to load, it's pretty large due to all the sound files, because it comes up nearly right away on my computer and I hardly get to see the preloader I made; but it could take a while for some computers.

    Once the Omniscope does appear, don't click anything other than the play button otherwise it goes back to the preloader screen forever I think? If you press stop when it playing it doesn't stop untill the person talking has finished their line.

    Anyaway, after making everyone read all that and still not providing a link; it's on the scene 1 page via the Discworld Drama link on the front page main menu, when you get to the scene click on the movie camera and wait. :)
  21. sleepy_sarge New Member

    heh! Splendid work on the Omniscope! :D Your hard work is much appreciated Mal !
  22. Hsing Moderator

    That's totally mad! :D Great, Mal!
  23. Orrdos God


    Congratulations to Mal and the cast :)
  24. chrisjordan New Member

    Yeah, what Doors said. Good work, Mal and cast.
  25. Electric_Man Templar

    Ditto, I look forward to the next installment
  26. spiky Bar Wench

    :D Very good :D I want a go now.... C'mon Goody Wemper hopefully its not long till you die now...
  27. Delphine New Member

    Yes, that was fantastic. :)
  28. SunshineDaydream New Member

    You guys rock. I can't wait for the next scene. And the omniscope is perfect.
  29. jaccairn New Member

    Really good :D . Looking forward to the next bit.
  30. fairyliquid New Member

    marvelous! loved it
  31. Dane New Member

    I just watched it. A good job with the omniscope mal and i liked those cartoons. I have to say I didn't think I'd blown into the mic so much :? I think my part wasn't that good in comparison to everyone elses :(
  32. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    You Loser Dane. ;)

    I have to say, watching a radio play without the ability to hear sounds isn't the best way to spend ones time.
  33. Marcia Executive Onion


    By the way, it was fun listening to everybody while Mal was putting it together.
  34. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Congratulations to everyone :)

    And Mal, much kudos for the Omniscope :D
  35. Maljonic Administrator

    Thanks everyone, for the praise and to those who took part. I think I'll tidy the images up a bit, then we can head straight for scene two once I've had a bit of a breather. :)
  36. Maljonic Administrator

    I've redrawn all the characters to tidy them up a bit (my favourite is Hrita's hat), and get rid of the bitty white border around them. I'll post the script for scene two at the weekend for people to look at. :)
  37. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Any news on this?

    On a completely unrelated note, I have a working microphone and too much spare time. :)
  38. Maljonic Administrator

    I was waiting for the return of Buzzfloyd, but I guess she may be too busy? I'll get the next scene up this week and we'll see what parts everyone is doing. :)

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