What films have you seen lately?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Delphine, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. Faerie New Member

    I read the book Howl's Moving Castle but the movie is only coming to select cities and mine probably isn't one of them.
  2. Dane New Member

    Howls moving castle.... that was on at the print works last night. I went to see the longest yard last night, it was just the american versian of mean machein! a good film but it was just an americanised version of an english film
  3. QuothTheRaven New Member

    Just watched [i:17e568bcdc]Serenity[/i:17e568bcdc]. Best movie I have seen all year.
    (I may be kind of biased because it was written/directed by Joss Wedon, and I am A shameless [i:17e568bcdc]Buffy[/i:17e568bcdc] Fanboy.)
  4. Bob New Member

    I've watched 'Final Fantasy 7', 'Four Brothers' and 'Mr and Mrs Smith' in the last couple of days, all very good films. FF7 is a little confusing tho, but beautifully done.

  5. janible New Member

    I saw The Longest Yard on DVD the other day, too. If I'm not mistaken, it's an almost exact remake of the 1974 version made in the US, titled The Longest Yard here, and Mean Machine in the UK. Burt Reynolds starred in the 1974 version, so it was rather cool that he had a role in the remake, too. www.imdb.com has more details on both movies.

    Edit: I finally got to see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy last night! Like Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter movies, I kept thinking of things from the books that I wished were in the movie. On the whole, though, I thought it was a fun movie!
  6. Bob New Member

    There was also another remake of it last year, or maybe year before, called Mean Machine with Vinnie Jones. It was rewritten to be in England with Soccer football, instead of American Football.. :)

  7. janible New Member

    That would be fun to see! I'll have to look for it on DVD; is it out yet?
  8. Bob New Member

    Yes, it's been out for a while. :)

    It's a good film actually, the Monk character is funny, he has halucinations while in goal about making incredible saves and murdering people :)

    [quote:f16b36f453="Dane"]I went to see the longest yard last night, it was just the american versian of mean machein! a good film but it was just an americanised version of an english film[/quote:f16b36f453]

    Nope, it's an updated version of an American film, the English one is an Anglosised version of an American film :)

  9. hermes New Member

    I saw [i:6910d78915]Serenity[/i:6910d78915] on Friday night, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I never watched Firefly, but I'm probably going to buy the DVDs soon :)

    I also saw [i:6910d78915]Trois Couleurs: Bleu[/i:6910d78915] yesterday. Very weird. I'm going to watch the other two of the trilogy, though.
  10. Hex New Member

    Corpse Bride is awesome...

    But Nightmare before Christmas is superior.

    All hail Tim Burton! :D
  11. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I want to see Serenitity. And I can't wait for Corpse Bride.

    I'm going to see a 'History of Violence' tomorrow, It's meant to be great. I'm also looking forward to 'night watch'.

    There is the Rain Dance Film festival here and I went to see soem movies from it. One was a random japanese movie called 'PEEP TV SHOW' I have know real idea what it was about, something to do with 9/11 and this guy that would go around recording people and these girls that dress gothic lotita (basically, like victorian dolls).

    I also seen a movie Called 'Gingerbread Man' about a father who's daughter was murdered (and possibly raped) who becomes a viligante and takes out peadofiles. Concept wise I liked the idea, but the actually movie was a bit crap. It was told in a video diary form and the viligante group where abit to much like hicks playing spy.

    I thought it would be more like Shuan Williams (er...the guy that directed dead mans shoes) type of movie about a father struggle to get revange and be really emotional.

    The wierd thing about it was the director was there answering questions at the end of the show, he seemed to want to imply that it was real. I don't know he if meant based on a real story, which is fair enough, but i know some people actually believed it was real footage we saw (despite the fact that someone could get shot 4 times and there be know blood, and i doubt that many people can heck into the FBI files quite so easily). I was strange for me that so many people thought it was real when one of my complaints about the movie was how unrealistic the acting was. It made me think 'Shit, maybe it was real'. But I don;t think it is.
  12. colonesque10 New Member

    I watched 'Austin Powers: Goldmember' last night. That film rocks. 'Shmoke an a pancake' and 'Thatsh a keeper' are quality lines. :D
  13. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    The intro rocked.FACT.
  14. colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:ecc9167b1f="Rincewind"]The intro rocked.FACT.[/quote:ecc9167b1f]

    Danny DeVito would make a class mini-me.FACT.
  15. QuothTheRaven New Member

    I saw the roman polanski version of MacBeth. I had seen the begining and ending at school, but not the middle. Having now seen the middle, i now relise why my teacher choose to skip over it.
  16. chesterguy New Member

    Saw "Land of the Dead" at the Cinima the other week, was quite good... (Also i noticed that a couple of people i know share a striking resemblence with those zombies... :p )

    next... time to try and get through all these videos and DVD's i got for my birthday... ;)
  17. mowgli New Member

    Just saw Serenity... I thought it had a couple of deep/moving/funny moments (respectively), but overall somewhat messy and hard to follow. It left me with a ton of plot questions that I'm not sure any one person even knows the answers to :p

    (For example - spoiler alert! - why didn't the Reavers attack the fellow inhabitants of the "secret planet" and instead just allowed them to die peacefully, where they stood?

    Or - another spoiler alert! - if the Pax chemical was key to "civilization", why did it only affect this one planet and not other places controlled by the Alliance?

    OR - ditto! - if the Alliance had this great, well-equipped army under their control, why didn't they just take out that nest of Reavers once and for all?)

    But I'll gladly sit through any movie where a tiny girl (the actress who plays her is a prima ballerina, apparently) beats up a whole platoon of ax-wielding monsters with her bare hands and feet. Very 5th Element :)
  18. Kat_in_the_Hat New Member

    I just re-watched Monsters Inc...what a fabulous movie. I love John Goodman and Billy Crystal, the pixar is spot-on, and its unbelievably funny.
  19. Tephlon Active Member

  20. Perdita New Member

    I went to see Wallace & Gromitt last night and would highly recommend it.
  21. Smoking_GNU New Member

    I havent seen anything good lately, because i have seen just about every movie that there is on our network and that is why my course is not going so well at the moment.

    I am currently working through the "Battlestar" and "Firefly" series, but i try to stay away from them long enought to be able to get some work done.
  22. Maljonic Administrator

    Watched the new Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie; can't say it was as funny as the original TV series, I even had an awful fear it was going to be a musical when I saw the opening scene - the first half hour or so [i:beeb714cd7]was[/i:beeb714cd7] a poor copy of the TV series in my opinion, but the film did get a bit better once you settled into it. Thought Marvin's voice was too human, and I kind of missed the original Marvin - especially when they put a scene with him actually in the background! :)
  23. Perdita New Member

    I went to see Serenity at the weekend and Like Mowgli I found it slightly confusing - I went with my sister who hadn't seen any of the series and she was glad I was there to help her fill in the plot lines.

    This movie is pretty good but is quite hard to 'hold onto' for the entirety of the film as the characters seem to be fixed on trying to talk like what Wes Craven imagines people from the wild west circa 1900's (or a bad spaghetti western) talk like, except emmm this is set in the future.

    I think this was a movie for the true fans of the series and no one else!

    Mowgli if you want help to answer your questions PM me and I will let you know what I think
  24. spiky Bar Wench

    I went and saw serenity on the weekend with a bunch of friends where none of us had seen the series... yes it has its problems but it was great fun and even my somewhat anti-sci-fi boyfriend enjoyed it...

    [color=white:e56d3fbd2f]I think they were testing the chemical and realised it didn't work.[/color:e56d3fbd2f]

    Plot shplot... I've given up getting an understandable plot from an American film and am just there to be entertained.
  25. roisindubh211 New Member

    Wallace and Gromit = pure genius.
    Seriously loved it.

    Watched H2G2 again recently. Like it even better every time; I have the DVD too so I got to see it with the two different audio commentaries which is also fairly amusing
  26. Maljonic Administrator

    Watched The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, the old John Travolta movie; I haven't seen it since I was a child and wanted to sort of relive the past, and it only cost 97p in Tesco. Marcia unwillingly watched it with me, but it wasn't that bad really in a 1970s soppy melodramitic horses-in-it kind of way. :)
  27. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I've recently seen 'History of Violence', 'night watch' and 'serenitity' I watched them all in one day!
  28. Hsing Moderator

    What did you think of "History of Violence"? I'm still a little unsure what to make of it.
  29. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I really enjoyed it. See below.

    [color=white:ac845f4e3a] It was an intriguing story. I liked the way it had scenes on intense violence, but didn't make them seem showy, if you know what I mean. In that I don't think they had violence for the sake of beening violent, but because the story needed to show how this 'good' man can be capable of such nastyness. I wasn't too sure about the part where he went back to mess up his brother, but I really liked the last scene where the little girl still treats him like a father. [/color:ac845f4e3a]

    What did you think of it?
  30. Hsing Moderator

    I went into the cinema without knowing anything beforehand - which wqas a good thing, I think. I should do that more often.

    I like how the end was in a way open and still closed, if you know what I mean - as you wrote, with the little girl still treating him as a father, his son, too, after some reluctance, but its being left open with the wife, even though she seemed to have been attracted to "Joey" (in a violent, infamiliar way) and "Tom" (in a trusting, warm, familiar way). It prevents the end from forcibly trying to tie all ends up.
    It shows in an interesting way how the other person still lurks even in such an explicitly nice, caring and happy family father. I think, also agreeing with you, that the violence was well used, even the bit where it shows the offshot jawbone of the man in the cafe, because even when you don't yet have a clue there is more to Tom, you should be shocked by what he's capable of doing, even when it makes him a hero to the others.
    The same way, the explicit sex scenes between him and his wife are justified; they show how the intimicy between them changes (switches) and provide some depth to how she changes too, instead of letting it just look like she was the loyal mother trying to keep up the facade in the scene with the sherriff.

    What I would have liked to be explored more is how the violence spreads, once introduced into the community, but on the other hand... how much more than the son breaking the bullies nose and shooting a man through the back would have been realistic?

    Good acting too... William Hurt was good. So was Viggo Mortensen. But I was really pleasantly surprised by the young actor that played Toms / Joeys son.[/color:b4eb139791]
  31. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I complete agree with all that. Going to the cinema without knowing anything about the movie is great, having know preconceived ideas about what you should be seening always makes for a better movie.

    [color=yellow:4c6c2be2c3]I loved the open/closedness of the movie. It's like, for us the story is over but we know that there is still much more going on.

    Also, I liked how once Tom had become violent once it was easier to let that side of his nature out. I would find it hard to picture Tom striking his son before the events of the café. I was also really intrigued at the start of the movie when we weren't sure what his past really was, it's be a horrible situation to be in if it really was a case of mistaken indentity.

  32. Cynical_Youth New Member

    I saw Saw a couple of nights ago. One of the best movies I've ever seen. A bit like a low-budget version of Seven, but the lack of funds didn't really get in the way. Go see it if you have the chance!
  33. Delphine New Member

    Heh, freaky. I just watched Seven.

    It wasn't as fucked up as I expected it to be. And it finished just in time to see the end of Silence of the Lambs, 1 or 2 or something.

    Maybe it didn't have a huge effect because my housemate is the type to predict everything that's going to happen, and I found it pretty predictable anyway.

    I also saw The Beach not long ago. Now that was brilliant. It's the first film i've seen Leonardo DiCaprio in, and I thought he was pretty impressive.

    Oh, and. I was forced to watch 13 going on 30. >ahem< Less said about that one the better, I believe.
  34. colonesque10 New Member

    Watched a football hooliganism film the other day with Frodo from LoTR in, a bit of a strange roll for him. I can't remember the name of the film. It was a pretty good film but it did sort of glorify football hooliganism which as I have come accross first hand isn't glorious at all.

    I'm also re-watching the 'Band of Brothers' series on DVD, one of the best series I own. :)

    I also took my nephew and nieces to watch Wallace and Grommit: Curse of the were-rabbit at the cinema the other day. Cool film and the 20 minute christmas caper before the film involving the penguins from Madagascar was pure class. :cooler:
  35. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I think the football movie mey be called 'Green Street'?
  36. Maljonic Administrator

    Watched Shallow Hal on Saturday, okay. :)
  37. shadowgirl New Member

    recently watched Sin City, suprisingly better than l expected.
  38. sleepy_sarge New Member

    Watched "Bewitched" on the plane on the way home the other week. Stars Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell. I expected it to be really cheesy and it was in parts, but overall it was quite amusing and enjoyable.

    Rather than a remake of the TV series, its a movie [i:3fe2b73997]about[/i:3fe2b73997] the remaking of the TV series with Ferrell as a sleazy actor who will play Darren, and Kidman - a "real" witch - as Isabel, who is to play Samantha.

    Watchable, but most of the humour lies in knowing and liking the original tv show, so if you don't then I suspect you should avoid this one.
  39. SunshineDaydream New Member

    Serenity. It was awesome. I had no clue what it was really about, had never seen the tv show, and wasn't at all sure I wanted to see the movie, but it was that or Doom. I loved it. I'm not sure why, but it's the best movie I've seen in ages. Tight script, cool characters, and a bunch of quotable lines that I'm going to have to wait for the dvd so that I can quote accurately, otherwise I'd already have one as my signature. If you haven't seen it (and are interested in that genre, and trust my opinion), go see it. Now.
  40. Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:48740bb912="colonesque10"]Watched a football hooliganism film the other day with Frodo from LoTR in, a bit of a strange roll for him. I can't remember the name of the film. It was a pretty good film but it did sort of glorify football hooliganism which as I have come accross first hand isn't glorious at all.

    [quote:48740bb912="Rincewind"]I think the football movie mey be called 'Green Street'?[/quote:48740bb912]

    Greenstreet Hooligans/Greenstreet/Hooligans (Courtesy of imbd)
  41. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I saw Wallace & Gromit the other day with Garner. It was very funny. And then I went to see Nanny McPhee with my sister. I was overjoyed when I first saw the trailer for that film, because I recognised it straight away as the [i:74e5c6efae]Nurse Matilda[/i:74e5c6efae] stories I loved when I was a kid. I really enjoyed it. I thought Emma Thompson did a brilliant job with the screenplay (not to mention how well that woman can act), and all the actors were superb, including the children.
  42. mowgli New Member

    Just saw "Jarhead" today - mainly because my brother was an extra in the bootcamp scene. (Turned out he MIGHT be the guy who cracks up when Jake Gylenhaal's character is yelled at by the insane-looking drill sergeant: "Do you love me? Do you want to make out with me?) ...That and because I liked the song in the movie trailer...

    Ended up loving it, even though it's pretty much a war-less war movie (or maybe for that exact reason). Thought Peter Sarsgaard's character to be the best part of the film. Cried in the end :p
  43. sampanna New Member

    I saw "Be Cool" yesterday .. John Travolta and Umat Thurman. Pretty good movie, definitely worth a watch. It's got a lot of big names guest-starring .. from Danny Devito to Aerosmith.
  44. Perdita New Member

    I went to see the Brother's Grimm on firday night- including myself and the person I was with, there were two other people in the Cinema!

    I think that people must not have realised that it was released yet!

    Matt Damon and Heath Ledger both manage to do passable english accents - which in it'self is kind of bizzare as (I think) the real brothers Grimm were German!

    Anyway its a good movie with lots of great effects and lots of old fairy tales woven into the plot!
  45. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:7c0c62e8fc="sampanna"]I saw "Be Cool" yesterday .. John Travolta and Umat Thurman. Pretty good movie, definitely worth a watch. It's got a lot of big names guest-starring .. from Danny Devito to Aerosmith.[/quote:7c0c62e8fc]

    My favourite in this movie is The Rock --> his monologue is one of the all time great comic moments :D
  46. fairyliquid New Member

    i watched 'oliver twist' last friday...it was good, could have been better in my opinion, but good nonetheless.

    I am waiting impatiently for narnia, king kong and all the other big movies on the way out...*wait impatiently...wanders off*
  47. davobanavo New Member

    Saw the Wedding Singer for the first time recently. The warm glow has yet to depart.
  48. Maljonic Administrator

    Watched Van Helsing the other day. I was expecting it to be really rubbish, which is why I bought it, but it's actually not that bad if you're expecting the worst. :)
  49. colonesque10 New Member

    I watched Alexander which was a bit of a let down. Especially when it had to last 2 and a half hours.

    I also watched 'The Life Of Brian' on DVD the other night. That film gets better with age. :)
  50. roisindubh211 New Member

    I just saw Joyeux Noël on Friday; absolutely brilliant film, I liked that it seemed to be equally in three different languages- French, German, and English. I got the feeling that you could probably follow it even if you only spoke one (ignoring the french subtitles here. I'll put my theory to the test when the boyfriend comes to visit. Stay tuned...)
  51. colonesque10 New Member

    Watched 'The Incredibles' on DVD last night. A pretty good animated film but not in the same league as Toy Story or Monsters Inc in my opinion. I'm hoping to go and watch Saw 2 at the cinema this weekend. :)
  52. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I was made to go see 'In Her Shoes' which seemed to never, ever, end. It wasn't too bad though, it was comical dogs and old people.

    Really liked 'The Brothers Grimm' it was a good laugh, they where good anti-heros. They managed to fit in a lot of the myths too.

    I also seen Factotom on saterday, It was a Matt Damon movie it was good but way,way,way to long. Bill and Teds bogus journey was shown on suday and it rocked mightly.

    The Incredables is my favourite kids movie. It seemed to tell a really story rather than the usual disney morality tales. Pixar make the best movies, they've really raised the bar on kids entertianment.
  53. Tephlon Active Member

    Finally saw "Ray". Jamie Foxx is incredible as Ray Charles. The film was different from what I thought though. Very nice (I didn't expect the twists and the flashbacks like that)

    Also saw "Napoleon Dynamite". I'm not sure if I liked it or not. It's weird.
  54. KaptenKaries New Member

    I bought Immortal Beloved on DVD recently. Gary Oldman as Beethoven alone makes it worth seeing, and add to that good music, costumes and story and you've got yourself a winner!
  55. Faerie New Member

    I was going to see Harry Potter on Tuesday because I looked at the website and got the movie times. I went there today and they have taken Harry Potter out for some unknown reason and now it won't be in theaters till Wednesday. Gah! I'm still going to town though, I must pick up my pictures from graduation that was 6 months ago and I also need jeans.
  56. Hex New Member

    I went to see Harry Potter last Saturday and was actually impressed. I was definitely afraid it would be bad, thanks to how good the third one was (hur hur). But I did enjoy it. It missed out many, many things, but the general gist of the book was there, so it was good all the same.

    I also got Broken Saints on DVD last week (yes Rinso, now you may be jealous), and have been watching it A LOT. I love it!
  57. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I might actually hate you Hex. Physically hate you. I also hate everyone else who refuses to watch Broken Saints, despite it's greatness. How does the dvd's differ to the web one- are the vocies good?

    I seen Harry Potter yesterday, I missed that last one, and didn't really like the first two but thought this one was awesome. It's the best book to be turned into a movie. Great action and the acting has really improved. A really good show, by far the best one.
  58. Hex New Member

    They've re-drawn half of the artwork so it looks really detailed and sophisticated compared to the original versions. It also fills the whol screen instead ofa tiny corner.
    The voiceovers add to the drama and make the whole thing that much more intense. They voices they cast suit the characters a lot. They also make the bad guys really creepy.
    I would watch more tonight but I'm at the part where it gets a bit scary, and I want to sleep tonight.

    Anyone who doesn't know what I'm going on about WATCH BROKEN SAINTS NOW.

    And Rinso, don't hate me because I have the DVD.
    hate me because YOU dont. :D
  59. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Well yes. I might get it for christmas...though I'm not sure if i can play US dvds.

    Aren't you shocked by the lack of interest from everyone, despite BOTH of us singing it's priases!

    You are fools.
  60. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    It's interesting... That eye dealie reminds me of ThunderCats though. Good news for you though Rinso. The DVD is apparently Region free.

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